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Laparoscopic Intersphincteric Resection

            dIscussIon                                         with the corresponding survival probability of being 85.7, 80.0, and
            Selecting surgical methods for low rectal cancer depends on the   77.9%. Morino. M studied 70 low rectal cancer cases undergoing
                                                               laparoscopic surgery, with a 5-year overall survival rate of 80.7%,
            degree of tumor invasion in the sphincter, the stage of invasion, and   and the survival rates for stages I, II, and III were 92, 79, and 73%,
            the distance from the tumor to the margin of the anus. The distance   respectively.  Thus, the survival rate after 4 years in our study was
            can be determined by using magnetic resonance imaging of the   equivalent to other studies.
            abdominal/pelvic area. In our study, there were 16 cases (37.2%)
            having tumors located 5–6 cm away from the anal margin, 23 cases
            (53.5%) having tumors located 4–5 cm from the anal margin, and   conclusIon
            4 cases (9.3%) having tumors located less than 4 cm from the anal   This study showed that laparoscopic intersphincteric resection
            margin. Recent studies show that tumors with a distance of less   and colon shaping were effective in low rectal cancer treatment.
            than 2 cm to the anal margin can reach R0 and rectal tumors often   Colon shaping was an effective method of improving bowel
            spread across the mesorectum and up the abdominal/pelvic area   function in cases of subtotal or total intersphincteric resection.
            along with the lymph node. The lower the distance indicated, the
            better chance of sphincter-saving. 8
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                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)  165
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