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Laparoscopic Management of Ovarian Dermoid Cyst in a 31-year-old Woman

            Fig. 2: Dermoid ovarian cyst overview during laparoscopy  Fig. 4: Dermoid cyst excreted under the umbilicus

            Fig. 3: Dermoid cyst inserted into a plastic bag    Fig. 5: Dermoid cyst, showing hairs

            (Fig. 4). After removing the mass was opened and there was a lot   characteristic appearances can be seen on ultrasonography: the
            of hair in it (Fig. 5). Ovarian tumors tissue was sent for anatomical   unilocular mass of the cystic adnexitis, Rokitansky nodule, or
            pathology examination.                              dermoid obstruction; dermoid mesh which showed echogenic
               Histopathological  examination  results:  microscopically   band; and the tip of the iceberg can be seen when fat, hair, and
            showed pieces of ovarian tissue lined with stratified squamous   shapeless echogenic tissues are in focus in the foreground causing
            epithelium accompanied by keratin with a stroma composed of   acoustic shadows on the structures behind them and you can also
            fibrocollagenous connective tissue including sebaceous glands, hair   see linear demarcation. Hair is often a component of teratomas and
            follicles and several glandular structures lined with simple cuboidal   often mixes with sebum and forms a line in the longitudinal plane
            epithelium, no signs of malignancy were seen.       and points in the transverse plane. 3,6,7  Diagnosis was definitively
                                                                established at the surgical excision. 5
            dIscussIon                                             Some researchers recommend conservative therapy by
            Benign mature teratoma is the most common benign tumor at   laparoscopy to maintain ovarian function in young patients
            a young age. Most cases of mature cystic teratomas are found   with dermoid cysts.  However, there is a general opinion among
            incidentally on imaging studies. The most common symptom is   gynecological surgeons that the rate of leakage of cysts during

            lower abdominal pain, which is related to the size of the mass.    laparoscopy is higher than that of the laparotomy and that
            Because of the association between symptoms and mass effects   leakage of cyst contents during laparoscopy can potentially cause
            and doubts about ovarian malignancy, it is necessary to perform   peritonitis. But it remains questionable whether leakage during
            resection, usually oophorectomy. 5                  laparoscopy can affect the prognosis of the disease. From a
               Most mature cystic teratomas can be diagnosed by ultrasound   literature review with a total of 14 studies documenting 470 cases
            because they have a very characteristic appearance. The following   of laparoscopic dermoid cystectomy, there was leakage of dermoid

                                                        World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 2 (May–August 2021)  139
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