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            Laparoscopic or Open Appendectomy: Which Approach is the

            Best for Complicated Appendicitis?

            Ruhi F Jailani , Norjazliney A Jafri , Gerald Henry , Ismail Sagap 4
             Introduction: Appendicitis is more common in children and young adults. Treatment of appendicitis is either laparoscopic appendicectomy
             (LA) or open appendicectomy (OA) surgery.
             Aim and objective: The 30-day postoperative morbidity, surgical site infection, and reoperation rate were compared between open and
             laparoscopic appendicectomies for complicated appendicitis. Secondary outcome measures were the length of hospital stay, duration of
             surgery, surgical waiting time, identification of other diseases, and patient satisfaction.
             Materials and methods: This retrospective study was conducted in two institutions: Hospital Selayang, Selangor, Malaysia, and HUKM, Kuala
             Lumpur, Malaysia. Data were collected from January 2014 to December 2015 were reviewed.
             Results: The mean age (±SD) for LA and OA were 32 (±15) and 30 (±14) years, respectively. The males showed predominance in LA and OA with
             52 and 72%, respectively (p < 0.001). The majority of LA (73%) and OA (88%) were performed by the trainees (p < 0.001). There was a significant
             reduction in postoperative morbidity in LA compared to OA in terms of surgical site infection, LA vs OA [n = 8 (2.7) vs 26 (6.3), p = 0.029] and
             duration of surgery [LA vs OA 84 (±39) vs 68 (± 6) days (p < 0.001)]. However, for LA and OA, there were no significant differences in reoperation,
             0.7 and 1.0%, respectively (p = 1.000), and length of stay in LA vs OA 3.55 (±2) vs 3.89 (±3) days, respectively (p = 0.103).  Overall, patient
             satisfaction scores were not found statistically significant as the response rates were only  32% in LA and 30% in OA.
             Conclusion: LA significantly reduced surgical site infection and offered an advantage in the detection of other pathologies. Hence, a laparoscopic
             approach should be offered to patients whose clinical diagnoses are challenging.
             Keywords: Laparoscopic, Appendectomy, Complicated appendicitis.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2021): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1430

            IntroductIon                                       1 Department of Surgery, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Kuala
            Appendicitis is more common among children and young adults.   Lumpur, Malaysia
            It is uncommon in the elderly where the differential diagnoses   2,3 Department of General Surgery, Hospital Selayang, Selayang,
            are variable. In young patients, the perforation rate of acute   Selangor, Malaysia
            appendicitis is less than 20%. However, among the elderly   4 Department  of  Colorectal  Surgery,  National  University  of  Malaysia,
            patients, perforation rate accounts for about 70% or even as   Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
            high as 90%. 1                                     Corresponding Author: Ruhi F Jailani, Department of  Surgery,
               The basic surgical approach involved in the management of   Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Phone:
            perforated appendicitis has not undergone remarkable change   +60 67985002, e-mail:
            over the past century. Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is minimally   How to cite this article: Jailani RF, Jafri NA, Henry G, et al. Laparoscopic
            invasive and associated with less postoperative pain.  LA has been   or Open Appendectomy: Which Approach is the Best for Complicated
            widely practiced for the treatment of uncomplicated appendicitis;   Appendicitis? World J Lap Surg 2021; 14(1):1–4.
            various reports have demonstrated its merits in assisting diagnosis,   Source of support: Nil

            reducing postoperative pain, and requiring an analgesic, thereby   Conflict of interest: None
            reducing the incidence of surgical site infection. However, the
            advantages of laparoscopic surgery in the management of
            complicated appendicitis, i.e., gangrenous, perforated appendicitis,   appendicitis in terms of reducing surgical site infections (SSIs),
            and appendicular abscess remain unclear.           causing no significant additional risk of IAA. 5
               Park et al. suggested that a laparoscopic approach should be   We conducted a cross-sectional study in two institutions
            the treatment of choice for presumed perforated appendicitis. It has   for reviewing the postoperative complications of laparoscopic
            the benefit of simultaneously addressing alternative pathologies.    appendectomy vs open appendectomy for complicated
            Currently, the choice of operative approach depends mostly at the   appendicitis. The primary objectives were detection of surgical
            surgeons’ discretion.  A Cochrane study conducted by Koch et al.   site infection and reoperation within 30 days postoperatively.
            reported that LA increases the rate of intra-abdominal abscess (IAA)   The secondary objectives were reducing the length of hospital
            in adults and observed a similar trend in children. However, another   stay, increasing patient satisfaction level, and identifying other
            Cochrane study published in 2010 performed on adults noted   diseases and postoperative complications like pneumonia, deep
            that laparoscopic appendectomy is advantageous in complicated   vein thrombosis, bedsores, and enterocutaneous fistulas.

            © Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2021 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
            (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give
            appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons
            Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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