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Laparoscopic Herniotomy in Female Children: Our Experience in 110 Patients
results higher rates of recurrence have been reported with a laparoscopic
A total of 110 female children with unilateral or bilateral inguinal procedure. Schier et al. and Chinnaswamy et al. reported the
recurrence rate of 3.1–4.4% after intraperitoneal Z-type suture
hernia were included in the study. Age ranging from 1 month to or with simple purse-string suture. 14–16 This is in contrast with
15 years. The mean age of 3 years. The clinically unilateral hernia our low recurrence rate of 0.6% after laparoscopic PIRS. We had
was present in 80 children. The right inguinal hernia was seen one baby developing clinical hernia (0.6%) who was operated for
in 50 and left inguinal hernia was seen in 30 children. During contralateral patent ring during ipsilateral clinical hernia. The reason
laparoscopy for unilateral hernias, the patent internal ring was for recurrence may be due to a small patent contralateral ring and
present on the contralateral side in 25 children (31.25%) and was was technically difficult to encircle ring completely with suture.
repaired simultaneously. The bilateral inguinal hernia was present Verma et al. operated 150 cases of inguinal hernias and
in 30 children. A total number of hernia units was 165. Preoperative hydroceles using laparoscopic herniotomy performing at the
ultrasonography was done in all patients to confirm the diagnosis. neck of the sac. The proximal part of peritoneum was closed with
The mean operative time was 15 minutes, ranging from 12 to nonabsorbable suture. The mean operative time was 25 minutes for
20 minutes for unilateral hernia and 15 to 30 minutes for a bilateral unilateral and 34.8 minutes for bilateral hernias. They have reported
hernia. The mean postoperative stay was 1 day, ranging from the recurrence rate of 1.33% and a conversion rate of 0.66%.
1 day to 3 days. All patients were followed up postoperatively. The Spurbeck et al., Kastenberg et al., and others 8,18–21 used
follow-up period ranged from 7 days to 2 years. Two babies had laparoscopic-assisted extraperitoneal circuit suture and reported
hematoma at the internal ring during the procedure and subsided the recurrence rate ranging from 0 to 4.3%. Some other authors 22–25
with no postoperative complications. One child had prolene stitch claim the lowest rate of recurrence with a laparoscopic technique
granuloma during follow-up 2 months postoperatively which was involving complete division and then stitching of the hernia sac
removed. One baby developed hernia on the contralateral side who at an internal inguinal ring. They have reported a recurrence rate
was operated for the contralateral patent ring during the repair ranging from 0% to 1.3% which is comparable with our recurrence
of ipsilateral clinical hernia (0.6%). None other children who were rate of 0.6%. The low incidence rate in children with PIRS is due to
operated for clinical hernia had a recurrence.
tying the knot outside the peritoneal cavity more securely after
desufflation, when compare with intracorporeal suturing in an
dIscussIon insufflated abdomen where the positive pressure is working against
The incidence of indirect inguinal hernia in careful controlled the closure of the ring.
population studies is 1–5% with male-to-female ratio is 8:1–10:1. conclusIon
The incidence of bilateral inguinal hernia is greater in female
patients in all age groups with a reported incidence of 20–50%. Laparoscopic herniotomy using the technique of PIRS using spinal
Injury to the reproductive organs during herniotomy in female needle 23 gaze is safe, quick with minimal postoperative pain
patients is extremely low so some surgeons advocate bilateral and short hospital stay, had the least rate of complications and
exploration in all female patients. associated with a very low incidence of recurrence.
Laparoscopic repair for inguinal hernias in pediatric patients was
first described by El-Gohary. Laparoscopy-assisted extracorporeal references
suturing was first described by Prasad et al. Lee and Yeung used a 1. Kapur P, Caty MG, Glick PL. Pediatric hernias and hydroceles.
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main advantage of laparoscopy is the inspection of contralateral 4. Tackett LD, Breuer CK, Luks FL, et al. Incidence of contralateral inguinal
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A contralateral patient process vaginalis was seen in 31.25% of 5. El-Gohary MA. Laparoscopic ligation of inguinal hernia in girls. Pediatr
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the internal ring in girls, and (5) postoperative wound infection and 9. Rathauser F. Historical overview of the bilateral approach to pediatric
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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 2 (May–August 2019) 71