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Rooh-ul-Muqim et al

            hernia and to rule out any strangulation, etc. Routine base line  patients had paraumbilical hernia, 9 (16.66%) had epigastric
            investigations like full blood count, blood glucose level, urina-  and 7 (12.96%) had umbilical hernia. Umbilical and paraumbilical
            lysis and hepatitis screen were done in all patients. An abdo-  hernias were small ranging from 2-5 cm defect. The incisional
            minal ultrasonography was done to the exclude any other  hernia ranged from 5-10 cm while in only 2 (3.20%) patients
            pathology like gallstones or any other intra-abdominal patho-  defects was greater than 10 cm in size (Table 2). Incisional hernias
            logy. The patient was counseled regarding the procedure and a  of the upper middle and lower middle scars were 5 (9.25%) each
            written consent was obtained. The laparoscopic mesh repair  while 6 (11.11%) occurred after suprapubic (pfaunenstiel)
            was performed under general anesthesia. The patient was  incision.
            positioned according to the site of hernia.           Only 2 ports for laparoscopic repair were used in 22 patients,
                                                               in 19 patients 3 ports were used whereas in 3 patients with big
            TECHNIQUE                                          hernias a 4th port was also introduced. In all patients proline
                                                               mesh was used. In all patients the procedure was successfully
            Two or three and sometimes four ports were used depending  completed laparoscopically. No additional procedure were
            on the hernia, using base ball diamond concept. Adhesiolysis  carried out during herniorrhaphy. Intraoperative blood loss was
            was performed and contents of the sac were released and  negligible. The duration of operation was 35 minutes to
            reduced. The defect was identified and proline mesh was  2 hours. The postoperative stay in hospital ranged from 1-3
            measured on the defect from the outside. Sutures were applied  days (Table 3).
            at three corners of the mesh using vicryl 1or 0 suture, and both
            the ends of the suture were left long and cut at 6-10 cm length
            and needle removed. Skin stab nicks were made at four quadrants  TABLE 1: Types of hernia (n = 54)
            of the hernia defect site, for passing a suture passer. Now
            through one of the skin nicks one end of another vicryl suture  Type of hernia  No. of patients  %age
            was passed into the abdominal cavity with the help of a suture  Umbilical        7        12.9
            passer and its end pulled into the abdominal cavity and then  Paraumbilical     13        24.07
            again brought out though the lateral part and then secured to  Epigastric        9        16.66
            the forth corner of the mesh. The end was left long and the  Incisional         25 5      46.29
                                                                  Upper midline
            needle cut. The mesh was pulled in the cavity through this part,  •  Lower midline  5      9.25
            by pulling on the last vicryl already passed in the skin. The  •  Pfannenstiel   6        11.11
            mesh was fixed over the defect. The long ends of the vicryl  •  Subcostal        4         7.40
            stitches attached on 4 corners of the mesh were brought out  •  Grid iron        4         7.40
            through the skin holes with the help of suture passer and they  •  Transverse midline  1   1.85
            were tied outside securing the mesh to the abdominal wall.
            Sometimes in large defects another suture was placed in the
            center of mesh for better fixation. The omentum was then     TABLE 2: Size of hernial defect (n = 54)
            brought down under the mesh. The ports are removed after  Size in cm        No. of Patients  %age
            deflating the gas and port sites stitched. The total time taken by  2–5 cm      33        61.11
            the procedure ranged from 35 minutes to 2 hours. Post  6–10 cm                  19        35.18
            operatively the patients were given systemic antibiotic for 24   >10 cm          2         3.70
            hours. The need for pain relief was minimum. Patients were
            mobilized in the evening and were allowed oral sips. They were
            discharged on the first or second day on oral antibiotics and  TABLE 3:  Complications and outcome
            analgesics given if were needed. Follow up was done at 2 weeks  Complications  No. of patients  %age
            and then at 6 weeks for any late complications. This procedure
            is practiced in Laparoscopy Hospital , Tilak Nagar, New Delhi,  Port site bleeding  3    5.55
            India by renowned Laparoscopic Surgeon Dr RK Mishra.  Omental bleeding         9         16.66
                                                                •  severe                 11         20.37
            RESULTS                                             •  moderate               22         40.74
                                                                •  mild                   18         33.33
            Fifty-four patients underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair  Port site infection  3  5.55
            during the study period. 38 were female and 16 were males. The  Seroma         2          3.70
            ages ranged from 25-62 years with only 3 patients above 50  Reoccurrence       1          1.85
            years of age. Majority of the patients had incisional hernia  Conversion       0         —
            forming 46.29% of all patients as shown in Table 1. 13 (24.07%)  Mortality     0         —

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