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Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection with Distal Rectal Washout Using the New Device of Gut-clamper

              TABLE 1: Advantages of gut-clamper and characteristics  Different from ringed manner, as it were, this linear manner
                               of the patients                 of clipping using gut-clamper makes possible to reduce the
                                                               number of times using laparoscopic staplers as shown in our
                                With gut-clamper   Without
                                                 gut-clamper   results. As the laparoscopic staplers are easy for the liberalized
                                                               gut tract, this gut-clamper is very suitable to use in laparoscopic
            Number of the cases      30             10         surgery.
            Age  range             66-87          65-92
            Mean                     71.4           70.2          Moreover, when tightening the gut tract in a ringed manner,
            Sex    male: female    13:17            5:5        the tightened portion is constricted like a banded bundle. When
            Rate of complete washout  100           60         observing the gut tract from the interior of the gut tract through
            The number of          1.9±1.0        3.4±1.1      a scope, it becomes difficult to accurately identify the resection
            times using stapler                                line due to the constricted portion, therefore, extra portions
            Complication            none        leakage (one case)
                                                               may be resected in the gut tract resection. However, in the case
                                                               of the gut-clamper, especially in laparoscopic low anterior
                                                               resection, the gut tract is clipped by the steel sticks and the
                                                               width of the gut tract is pressed and widened, and the constricted
            Studies have shown that viable tumor cells exist in the lumen of  portion is reduced, so that rational resection of the gut tract
            the colon and rectum. Therefore, it is believed that rectal  could be made after the rectal washout.
            washout might have value. Nevertheless, no data conclusively  Distal rectal washout has been recommended to prevent
            demonstrate reduction of local recurrence or anastomotic  implantation of exfoliated malignant cells in the after anterior
            implantation with rectal washout.  There are reported that  resection for rectal cancer.  Maeda et al have been reported
            exfoliated malignant cells have been found in the effluent of  that the irrigation volume determined the efficacy of rectal
            resection margins in the rectal stumps and on circular stapling  washout were 1.5 liters of saline irrigation appears to clear
            devices. 10-12  In addition, the viability and metastatic potential  contents from cancer cells in patients with tumors below the
            of exfoliated malignant colorectal cells have been implicated. 11,12  peritoneal reflection whereas at least 2 liters is recommended
            As the evidence for potential anastomotic implantation, with  for patients with tumor above the peritoneal reflection. As for
            no risk and minimal cost, it might have some utility in the  laparoscopic low anterior resection, we have used much more
            management of rectal cancer, where the proximity of the anasto-  volume for irrigation (3 liters of water). Nevertheless, only 60%
            motic site and the cancer is close. Beside, it might reduce the  were completed in the cases underwent colorectal washout
            microbial concentration that is associated to the leakage of  without using gut-clamper, but 100% were possible to perform
            anastomotic site.                                  distal rectal washout using gut-clamper. Our data of the reduced
               In laparoscopic surgery, it is sometimes difficult to apply  rate of complete washout also support the benefit of gut-clamper
            the same technique as the open surgery. After the first laparos-  for the proper sealing the gut tract.
            copic colectomy, a lot of laparoscopic surgical innovations for  Furthermore, the gut-clamper wherein lengths of the two
            colorectal cancer have been made. 13-17  Nevertheless, there was  steel sticks are made different from each other and the position
            no established method for perioperative rectal washout before  of a hole made in a belt connected to the shorter steel stick, is
            the resection of the rectum in laparoscopic low anterior resec-  set to match with the end of the longer steel stick when the two
                                                               sticks are put together by using the joint as a pivot. This
            tion.                                              mechanism is easy and safe as well as reasonable physically
               Here, we have introduced gut-clamper including, two hard  and economically. This device of gut-clamper enables to shed
            steel stick having belts with flexibility on their one ends, a joint  novel lights on the new standard method for rectal cancer.
            at which the steel sticks are joined, and one through hole made
            in one of the belts. As the belts with flexibility are made of a soft  REFERENCES
            resin, it can be safely wound around the gut tract like a band.
               The gut-clamper clips the gut tract by using the two hard steel  1. Terzi C, Unek T, Sagol O, Yilmaz T, Fuzun M, Sokmen S, Ergor
            sticks by using the joint as a pivot. Different from the case where  G, Kupelioglu A.  Is rectal washout necessary in anterior resection
            the gut tract is tightened in a ringed manner with a string or silk  for rectal cancer? A prospective clinical study. World J Surg
            thread, this clipping method has the following advantages.  2. Agaba EA. Does rectal washout during anterior resection prevent
               When clipping, the side surfaces of the steel stick clip the  local tumor recurrence? Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47:291-6.
            gut tract, therefore, the gut tract can be clipped while the width  3. Sayfan J, Averbuch F, Koltun L, Benyamin N. Effect of rectal
            of the gut tract is pressed and widened, so that tearing of the  stump washout on the presence of free malignant cells in the
            gut due to excessive tightening as in the case of tightening in a  rectum during anterior resection for rectal cancer.  Dis Colon
            ringed manner does not occur.                           Rectum  2000;43:1710-12.

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