Page 12 - WJOLS - Surgery Journal
P. 12

Cyriac Pappachan
            endometriosis, Oxiplex/AP Gel worked well to prevent an  Four adnexa in the control group and 5 adnexa in the treatment
            increase in adhesion score. Oxiplex/AP Gel did not appear to  group had adhesion scores in the mild category at the initial
            provide that benefit to patients with grade four endometriosis  surgery. In the Oxiplex/AP Gel treated group, 1 had a worse
            (Data not shown).                                  score (moderate) at second look and 2 had a better adhesion
               Seeing the number of patients whose adhesion score shift  score (minimal). In contrast to this, in the control group, all the
            to a better category of adnexal adhesion score after surgery,  four had worse adhesion category at the second look. 3 were
            the individual patient benefit can be demonstrated.  For  moderate and 1 was severe. In the moderate group at initial
            patients, the prognosis is worse if there is increase in adnexal  surgery, out of 5 adnexa that received Oxiplex/AP Gel, 3 had a
            adhesion score.                                    better adhesion score at second look (2 minimal and 1 mild) and
               As shown in Table 1, the prognostic categories for minimal  1 had a worse score. In control group, in moderate category at
            (0-5), mild (6-10), moderate (11-20) and severe (21-32) scores are  first surgery, out of 5, 4 adnexa had worse adhesion scores at
            provided for each of the patient group. 23 adnexa had a minimal  second look (1 moderate and 4 severe).
            base line adhesion score (Row-1) in the AP Gel/ Oxiplex treatment  In the treated adnexa with severe adhesion scores at first
            group. 22 of these remained in the minimal group. One of them  look, 2 had stage three and 6 had stage four endometriosis. At
            shifted to mild at second look. In this one patient, review of gel  second look all these remained in severe category. At second
            application showed that adnexal surgical sites were not covered  look, of the 4 adnexa in the severe category that did not have
            by the gel at the end of the surgery. Hence it is not known what  endometriosis, 2 were in moderate group, 1 in mild and 1 in
            would have been in the second look adhesion score, if the  minimal group. At initial surgery in the control patients, 9 adnexa
            adnexum was covered with gel in a similar manner to the other  were in the severe group. Of these, 6 had stage four
            22 adnexa of this category. In control population, at the initial  endometriosis and they remained in severe category at second
            surgery, 23 adnexa were in the minimal category. During second  look. The other 3 adnexa that were severe at the initial surgery
            look, 13 remained unchanged, 7 mild, 1 moderate and 2 severe.  and were not in patients with stage four endometriosis, better
            All together 10 had shifted to higher category. These differences  adhesion score in the second look was seen only in 1. The
            in shift analysis are significant (p < 0.01).      other 2 adnexa stayed severe. In the shift table, these changes
               The significant benefit of Oxiplex/AP Gel in reducing  were statistically significant (p < 0.01).
            adhesions was shown by both a reduction in average AFS  From the use of Oxiplex/AP Gel, the number of individual
            score as well as reduction in AFS prognostic category as a  adnexal adhesion scores (Table 2) that improved or stayed the
            result of treatment (P < 0.01 for both).           same from first to second look laparoscopy versus those that

                                         Table 1: Shift analysis (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistic)
            Baseline American Fertility Society (AFS) category  Total       Second-look AFS scores
                                                             Minimal        Mild        Moderate      Severe
                                                              (0-5)        (6-10)       (11-20)       (21-32)
            Treatment surgery + Oxiplex/AP Gel
            Minimal           (0-5)                 23          22           1            0             0
            Mild              (6-10)                 5          2            2            1             0
            Moderate          (11-20)                5          2            1            1             1
            Severe            (21-32)               12          1            1            2             8
            Total                                   45          27           5            4             9
            Control: surgery only
            Minimal           (0-5)                 23          13           7            1             2
            Mild              (6-10)                 4          0            0            3             1
            Moderate          (11-20)                5          0            0            1             4
            Severe            (21-32)                9          0            0            1             8
            Total                                   41          13           7            6             15

               Table 2: Outcome of clinical trials using the adnexal adhesion score of the American Fertility Society (AFS) as established in 1988
                      Individual AFS scores                             AFS category
                      Improved or unchanged  Worsened   Total       improved or unchanged  Worsened     Total
            Oxiplex   87% (39)             13% (6)      45               93%(42)          6% (3)         45
            Control   32% (13)             68% (28)     41               56% (23)         44% (18)       41

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