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Clinical Evaluation for Reduction of Adhesions by a Viscoelastic Gel in gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery
            worsened reveals a significant treatment benefit. At the time of  investigators found that, with experience, a single layer of gel
            second look, 87% of Oxiplex/AP Gel applied adnexa did not  was sufficient enough to cover the adnexal surface and adjacent
            have a worse adhesion score in contrast to 32% of the control  sites. In some cases, when multiple layers of gel were coated
            adnexa. Even when the individual adnexal adhesion scores are  over one another, the weight of the excess gel overcame the
            grouped by prognostic category (Table 2) , the number of adnexa  innate tissue adherence resulting in falling of the gel from the
            that improved or stayed the same from first look to second look  surgical site. Typical volume of gel required to cover an adnexum
            laparoscopy versus those that shifted to a worse category also  was approximately 15 ml which was administered in approximately
            shows a significant treatment effect of Oxiplex/AP Gel. For  90 seconds. It was easy to apply Oxiplex/AP Gel to adnexal
            example—During second look, 93% of the adnexa that received  surfaces including the ovarian fossa and between the ovary and
            Oxiplex/AP Gel did not have a worse score in contrast to 56% of  mesosalpinx. The gel coverage facilitated the cessation of
            the control adnexa.                                vascular oozing and thereby helping to prevent adhesion.
                                                                  To protect the tissue during postsurgical repair, only a
            DISCUSSION                                         single layer of gel was sufficient. Within six weeks, prior to
                                                               the second look laparoscopy, the gel was absorbed from the
            During minimally invasive surgery, the most commonly used  peritoneal cavity. In 4 cases, small collections (approximately
            adhesion preventive devices cannot be applied or are difficult  5×5 mm) of gelatinous material (presumably residual gel) were
            to apply. So in many surgical procedures, prophylaxis for  noted in areas deep in the cul-de-sac where intraperitoneal
            adhesion prevention is not used. As a result Oxiplex/AP Gel  clearance have been affected particularly in cases of grade
            was developed specifically for the needs of surgeons performing  four endometriosis, or in areas where multiple layers of gel
            procedures that result in adhesion formation leading to failed  had been applied. In 2 cases, biopsies of these sites where
            surgical therapy.  For a gynecological surgeon, the challenges  consistent with the residual gel. There was no clinical
            facing for an adhesion preventive device include ease of use  significance of the residual gel. The residuum did not
            and retention of the device at the site of application. To address  interconnect the tissue surfaces. It was not associated with
            these needs Oxiplex/ AP Gel was specifically developed.  any adhesions. It did not obstruct organ mobility.
               The polyethylene glycol and carboxymethylcellulose
            formulation is a transparent viscoelastic gel that is readily  ADHESION REDUCTION
            administered to the specific anatomical sites where there is
            concern for adhesion formation. The ease of use of viscoelastic  The reduction in postoperative adnexal adhesions demonstrates
            gel includes single unit packaging stored at room temperature,  a clinically significant benefit of Oxiplex/AP Gel, a categorical
            which when opened delivers the sterile gel and applicator directly  reduction in adnexal adhesion and has been associated with
            into the field of operation. The viscosity of the gel allows the  better clinical outcomes.  Adhesion scoring is not only used
            surgeon to control directly the rate of Oxiplex/AP Gel delivery  for prognosis, but also to determine the therapy.  The US food
            to the operation site. The flow of gel is automatically stopped  and drug administration recently recommended that the AFS
            by depressing the syringe. The gel which is residing within the  adnexal adhesion classification can be used as a clinical outcome
            applicator tube doesn’t harden. This allows for the continued  measure in clinical studies of devices intended to reduce the
            application of the viscoelastic gel at the convenience of the  postsurgical adhesion formation.
               To maximise tissue adherence, Oxiplex/AP Gel was developed  CONCLUSION
            by complex of two polymers. The gel remains in its place due to  Laparoscopic administration of viscoelastic gel was easy and
            its mucoadherent property.  This property allows the gel to  had significant reduction in adnexal adhesions. The patients
            remain in place even in gravitational dependent areas such as the  undergoing gynecological surgeries were benefited. Although
            anterior abdominal wall after removal of an omental adhesion, or  it is reassuring to see gel persisting at the site of application, it
            even at the posterior surface of the uterus in case of myomectomy.  is recommended to avoid excess gel application.
            In preclinical studies, a similar formulation of Oxiplex (Oxiplex/ SP
            Gel) showed to be safe and effective in reducing adhesions to  REFERENCES
            dura following spinal surgery.  Another clinical study done
            recently showed that patients with severe back pain and lower  1. Canis M, Botchorishvili R, Tambiurro S, et al. Adhesion
                                                                    prevention in the surgical treatment of pelvic endometriosis.
            extremity weakness who had Oxiplex/AP Gel applied over their  Gynecol Endosc 2001;10:99-106.
            nerve roots following laminectomy or laminotomy had signi-  2. Lower AM, Hawthorn RJS, Ellis H, O’Brien F, Buchan S and
            ficantly reduced symptoms compared to surgery only(controls). 15  Crowe AM. The impact of adhesions on hospital readmissions
            Oxiplex/AP Gel, which is specifically designed for use in the  over ten years after 8849 open gynaecological operations: An
            peritoneal cavity  was evaluated in women undergoing    assessment from the Surgical and Clinical Adhesions Research
            conservative gynecological surgery. In this case, the principle  Study. Br J Obstet Gynecol 2000;107:855-62.
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