Page 8 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 8

Bamgbopa Tajudeen Kehinde

            Women in the study group were on average 2 years older (36.4  nor implantation rates were significantly different in comparison
            versus 34.6 years; P < 0.01). There was no significant difference  with controls among either oocyte donor recipients (group A:
            in the duration of ovarian stimulation or gonadotrophin  86.7%, 57.8%; group B: 84.6%, 55.2%; group C: 77%, 49.1%).

            requirement,number of follicles developed, oocytes collected,  The findings were similar for those undergoing IVF-ET in

            and embryos availablefor transfer or replaced. When analyzing  comparison with controls (group 1: 61%, 24%; group 2: 52%,

            only women with intramural fibroids of 5 cm in size (n = 106)  26%; group 3: 53%, 23%). This study showed that precycle

            pregnancy, implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates were  resection of appropriately selected clinically significant

            significantly reduced: 23.3, 11.9and 15.1 respectively compared  leiomyomata results in IVF-ET or oocyte donation cycle

            with 34.1, 20.2 and 28.3% inthe control group (P = 0.016, P =  outcomes that are similar to controls. 29

            0.018 and P = 0.003). Themean size of the largest fibroids was  Kolankaya and Arici concluded in their review that myomas

            2.3 cm (90% range 2.1 to 2.5cm). Logistic regression analysis  that compress the uterine cavity with an intramural portion and

            demonstrated that the presence of intramural fibroids was one  submucous myomas significantly reduce pregnancy rates, and

            of the significant variables affecting the chance of an ongoing  should be removed before assisted reproductive techniques

            pregnancy, even after controlling for the number of embryos  are used and that hysteroscopic myomectomy is the gold

            available for replacement and increasing age, particularly age  standard for the treatment of submucous myomas. 30

            40 years, odds ratio 0.46 (CI 0.24–0.88;P = 0.019). This study  In reviewing surgical technique employed at hysteroscopy,

            demonstrated that an intramural fibroid halves the chances of  2 publications were examined:

            an ongoing pregnancy following assisted conception. 26  Attilio et al in a review of surgical techniques, confirmed
               Racknow and Arici, in a review in 2005 concluded that fibroid  that myomas that compress the uterine cavity with an intramural
            location, followed by size, is the most important factor  portion and submucous myomas significantly reduce pregnancy
            determining the impact of fibroids on IVF outcomes. Any  rates, and should be removed before assisted reproductive
            distortion of the endometrial cavity seriously affects IVF  techniques are used and that hysteroscopic myomectomy is
            outcomes, and myomectomy is indicated in this situation.  the gold standard for the treatment of submucous myomas.
            Myomectomy should also be considered for patients with large  The choice of the technique mostly depends on the intramural
            fibroids, and for patients with unexplained unsuccessful IVF  extension of the fibroid, as well as on personal experience and
            cycles. 27                                         available equipment. ‘Resectoscopic slicing’ still represents the
               Somigliana et al in their analysis concluded that available  ‘gold standard’ technique for treating fibroids G0, even if several
            evidence also suggests that submucosal, intramural and  other effective techniques including ablation by neodymium-
            subserosal fibroids interfere with fertility in decreasing order of  yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser, morcellation and office
            importance. Physicians are advised to pursue a comprehensive  myomectomy have been proposed. At present, the ‘cold loop’
            and personalized approach clearly exposing the pros and cons  technique seems to represent the best option as it allows a safe
            of myomectomy to the patient, including the risks associated  and complete removal of such fibroids in just one surgical
            with fibroids during pregnancy on one hand, and those  procedure, while respecting the surrounding healthy
            associated with surgery. 28                        myometrium. 31
               Surrey and colleagues, in a prospective case-controlled  Touboul and colleagues tried to determine the rate of uterine
            study evaluated the impact of myomectomy on in vitro  synechiae after bipolar hysteroscopic myomectomy in patients
            fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) and oocyte donation cycle  suffering from infertility.  In a retrospective case series study,
            outcome. Patients were grouped with submucosal leiomyomata  a group of 53 patients with primary (n = 30) and secondary
            resected hysteroscopically (group A: 15 oocyte donor  (n = 23) infertility who underwent bipolar hysteroscopic
            recipients; group 1 = 31 IVF-ET patients) and those with  resection of myomas between 2001 and 2006, and an outpatient
            intramural components or strictly intramural leiomyomata that  hysteroscopy was performed 2 months after the fibroid
            distorted or impinged upon the endometrial cavity resected at  resection. The formation of uterine Synechiae and pregnancy
            laparotomy (group B = 26 oocyte donor recipients; group 2 = 29  rates were collected from the patients’ clinical notes. The
            IVF-ET patients). Precycle hysteroscopic or abdominal  submucosal myomas were intracavitary class 0 (n = 12),
            myomectomy were performed with subsequent fresh IVF-ET or  intramural class 1 (n = 19), and intramural class 2 (n = 22). The
            oocyte donation. Results of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation  mean age of the women was 35.0 +/– 4.8 years. The mean myoma
            as well as ongoing pregnancy and implantation rates were  size was 25 +/– 11 mm. Postoperative office hysteroscopies
            evaluated in comparison with contemporaneous patient groups  revealed synechiae in four (7.5%) of 53 patients. Sixteen (32.7%)
            without such lesions (group C = 552 oocyte donor recipients;  of the 49 patients not lost to follow-up conceived, and 12 (24.5%)
            group 3: 896 IVF-ET patients). The mean number and size of  of them delivered at term. Myoma size >/=3.5 cm and age <35
            leiomyomata were significantly larger in patients who underwent  years were associated with a significantly higher pregnancy
            abdominal myomectomy. However, neither ongoing pregnancy  rate in univariate and multivariate analysis. They concluded
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