Page 10 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Bamgbopa Tajudeen Kehinde

            in assisted reproduction from SubSaharan Africa. However,  be encouraged even more so in low-resource settings in other
            infertility is a worldwide issue in reproductive health, more so  to optimize patient preparation for assisted reproduction. The
            in Africa. Negative consequences of childlessness are  applications of hysteroscopy in assisted reproduction are still
            experienced to a greater degree in developing countries when  rapidly evolving. There are, however many areas of
            compared with Western societies.  Bilateral tubal occlusion  hysteroscopy in ART which require more research to enable
            due to sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy-related  the adoption of best practices in assisted reproduction.
            infections is the most common cause of infertility in developing
            countries, a condition that is potentially treatable with assisted  REFERENCES
            reproductive technologies. 37

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            health,the psychological and social consequences of infertility  Uzan S: Role of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of
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            simply cannot be ignored. Prevention of infertility is difficult  2. Isaacson K. Office hysteroscopy: A valuable but under-utilized

            anddoes not help the couple seeking medical advice for infertility,  technique. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol Aug 2002;14(4):381-85.
            whereas efficient treatment for infertility is time consuming,  3. Hinckley MD, Milki AA. 1000 office-based hysteroscopies
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            technologies are either unavailable or very costly in developing  Jun 2004;8(2):103-07.
            countries.  It is sadly obvious that, as in all developmental  4. Rudi Campo, Carlos Roger Molinas, Luk Rombauts, Greet
            issues, Sub Saharan Africa is being left behind.        Mestdagh, Martin Lauwers, Paul Braekmans, Ivo Brosens, Yves
                                                                    Van Belle and Stephan Gordts: Prospective multicenter
               Strategies to tackle these short-comings would include  randomized controlled trial to evaluate factors influencing the
            optimizing the use of modern gynecological endoscopy where  success rate of office diagnostic hysteroscopy. Human

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               Trainedgynecologists can easily conduct this investigation  Obstet 2000;20:13-20.
            even in developing countries with proper planning and  7. Darwish AM, El Saman AM. Is there a role for hysteroscopic
            allocation of resources. The investigation can be employed  tubal occlusion of functionless hydrosalpinges prior to IVF/
            either with an emphasis on diagnosis alone (and then even  ICSI in modern practiceActa Obstet Gynecol Scand.

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            minimizing the complication rate of interventions, providing  hydrosalpinx prior to in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer in
            training-courses for health-care workers and incorporating  patients with a contraindication for laparoscopy. Fertil Steril
            infertility treatment into sexual and reproductive health-care  Jan 2009 ;13.
            programes. The use of office hysteroscopy will also help to  10. Lorusso F, Ceci O, Bettocchi S, Lamanna G, Costantino A,
            reduce cost and is more convenient for and acceptable to the  Serrati G, Depalo R. Office hysteroscopy in an in vitro fertiliza-
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               For the reasons of social justice, infertility treatment in  1998;70(2):378-80.
            developing countries requires greater attention at National and  12. Oliveira FG, Abdelmassih VG, Diamond MP, Dozortsev D,
            International levels. 37                                Nagy ZP, Abdelmassih R. Uterine cavity findings and
                                                                    hysteroscopic interventions in patients undergoing in vitro
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            CONCLUSION                                              Fertil Steril Dec 2003;80(6):1371-75.
            Hysteroscopy is efficacious as primary assessment in couples  13. De Placido G, Clarizia R, Cadente C, Castaldo G, Romano C,
            planned for ART. It is also the gold standard in the management  Mollo A, Alviggi C, Conforti S. Compliance and diagnostic
            of detected uterine anomalies. Office hysteroscopy is a safe  efficacy of mini-hysteroscopy versus traditional hysteroscopy
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            and viable alternative to conventional hysteroscopy and should  Nov 2007;135(1):83-87. Epub 2007 May 3.
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