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REVIEW ARTICLE                                          Hysteroscopy and Assisted Reproductive Technology

            Hysteroscopy and Assisted Reproductive


            Bamgbopa Tajudeen Kehinde
            Nordica Fertility Center Lagos, Nigeria-106/108, Norman Williams Street, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria

              Introduction: Hysteroscopy is an excellent instrument for evaluating the uterine characteristics in infertile women. It is the gold standard
              in the assessment of uterine anomalies today.
              The aim: This review examines the two main applications of hysteroscopy in infertile patients who are candidates for assisted
              reproductive techniques: (1) In the evaluation the cervix, uterine cavity and rule out any pathology or lesions that could have been
              missed by hysterosalpingography or sonohysterography (2) Hysteroscopic surgery as treatment for uterine abnormalities in infertile
              patient going for assisted reproduction.
              Methods: A literature search was conducted using Medline, Pubmed, Springer link and Highwire press. The following search terms were
              used: hysteroscopy, fertility, assisted reproduction, ART, IVF. Article were carefully selected and reviewed.
              Results: There is a paucity of publications specifically on hysteroscopy use in ART, particularly from the third world. The Prevalence of
              uterine anomalies in women planned for ART is significant, necessitating a comprehensive assessment before ART treatment. Office
              hysteroscopy is a safe, effective and widely acceptable tool in the primary investigation of couple planned for ART. Hysteroscopic
              surgery is the mainstay of treatment of uterine anomalies in assisted reproduction and is a safe and effective alternative to laparoscopic
              salpingectomy in patients with hydrosalpinges.
              Conclusion: The applications of hysteroscopy in assisted reproduction are still rapidly evolving. There are, however many areas of
              hysteroscopy in ART which require more research to enable the adoption of best practices in assisted reproduction.
              Keywords:  Hysteroscopy, assisted reproduction, infertility.

            INTRODUCTION                                       There is a growing consensus towards its use in the primary
                                                               investigation of infertile women prior to in vitro Fertilization, 2,4,6
            Anomalies within the uterine cavity play an important role in  as well as in the management of hydrosalpinges in such patients,
            fertility because they are capable of interfering with implantation.  in place of laparoscopy. 7-9
            Adhesions, septa, polyps, submucous myomas, adenomyosis,  In this review, an attempt is made to examine the various
            endometritis, anomalies of the cervical canal, and lesions of the  applications of hysteroscopy in assisted reproduction in recent
            uterotubal junction are uterine disorders most often observed  published literature, with particular focus on its use in primary
            during investigation of and are implicated in infertility.  The  assessment before IVF, assessment after repeat IVF failures as
            proper diagnosis and treatment of these anomalies is vital to  well as the uses of hysteroscopic surgery in assisted
            achieving success in assisted reproduction.        reproductive technology.
               Hysterosalpingography can be used to evaluate tubal
            permeability but provides inadequate information about the  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            uterine cavity (numerous false-positives and false-negatives)
            and pelvic ultrasound is especially helpful for diagnosing  A literature search was conducted using Medline, Pubmed ,
            interstitial anomalies in the uterus.  Hysteroscopy, however,  Springer link and Highwire press. The following search terms
            allows direct visualization of the uterine cavity, the endometrial  were used: Hysteroscopy, fertility, assisted reproduction, ART,
            mucus (and the cervical canal). The examination maybe practiced  IVF. In this review, ART include any form of assisted
            on an out-patient basis, without anesthesia, using appropriate  reproduction, including IVF/ICSI and ovarian stimulation with
            small-caliber instruments and irrigation with physiological  or without artificial insemination.
            saline.  It may be necessary as a first line investigation because  Abstracts had to be written in English and if the abstract
            a significant percentage of patients have uterine pathology  was pertinent and relevant to the topic, the full article whether
            that may impair the success of fertility treatment. 3-5  in English, German or French was sought. Other sources include
            Hysteroscopic treatment of these anomalies is also possible at  Google using the same keywords and the websites of different
            the same time. 1,6                                 organizations, such as ESHRE, IFFS, and FIGO, etc.
               The role of hysteroscopy in assisted reproduction has  There were 1456 citations in total. Selected publications
            expanded over the years and the applications are still evolving.  were screened for further references. Criteria for selection of
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):1-9                            1
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