Page 6 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 6

HL Chauke

            Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (TRAP)            Obstructive Uropathy
            This is a rare condition (1:35000 livebirth)  characterized  Urinary tract abnormalities constitute 50% of prenatal
            by perfusion imbalance as a results of vascular connection  diagnosed fetal anomalies. 34  The major problem is
            between an acardiac achephalic twin and a normal fetus. 29  obstruction leading to renal damage and lung hypoplasia
            Blood is pumped by the normal fetus to the ‘monster’.  secondary to oligohdramnios. Percutaneous vesicoamniotic
            Mortality, if untreated is between 50 and 75%. 5,29  Several  shunts have been used with complication rate of  25% due
                                                               to shunt displacement.  Other tried procedures include
            therapeutic strategies including use of potassium chloride,
                                                               in utero percutaneous cystoscopy and ablation of posterior
            amnioreduction, extracorporeal knot ligation of the cord,      35
                                                               urethral valve.  Long-term results will clarify the value of
            laser, monopolar and bipolar coagulation as well as ultrasonic  these procedures.
            transaction has been tried. 5,29-31  Although the numbers are
            not big and difficult to make comparison, laser, bipolar and  Other Procedures
            ultrasonic transaction seems to be promising.      Minimal access surgery has been used for the release of
                                                               amniotic band syndrome with the use of fetoscope. These
            Fetal Tumors                                       bands are associated with limb constrictions and amputations
            Two common tumors that has been studied are the    as well as postural deformities. Other area that has received
                                                               attention is the repair of cleft palate endoscopically with
            Sacroccocygeal teratoma (SCT) and congenital cystic
            adenomatoid of the lung (CCAM).  The problems with these  minimal or no scarring. Attempt to repair myelomeningocoele
                                                               endoscopically has been described using carbon dioxide
            tumors is that they may cause compression or lead to high-
                                                               (amniotic fluid removed) and maternal skin craft as the patch
            output cardia failure resulting in fetal death. Open surgery  36
                                                               material.  The results of open surgery for this procedure
            has been used to successfully excise the tumors but limited  is yet to be challenged.  There is work reported in animals
            by complications. Percutaneous approach using radio-  on fetoscopic management of aortic and pulmonary stenosis.
            frequency ablation (RFA) for treatment of SCT has been
            reported but was associated with uncontrolled burns to  OVERALL COMPLICATIONS
            adjacent tissues. 32,33  Open approach seem to offer better  While major complications of open surgery have been
            results for thoracic lesions and SCT when both are  reduced by minimal invasive approach, preterm labor and
            complicated by hydrops. 29                         PPROM remain challenge (Table 2).

                       Table 2: Maternal morbidity and mortality for 178 interventions at University of California, San Francisco with
                                     postoperative continuing pregnancy, divided into operative subgroups
                                               Open hysterotomy  Endoscopy      Percutaneous   All interventions
                                                               FETENDO/Laparatomy  FIGS/Laparatomy
                                                               and FETENDO       and FIGS
            Patients with postoperative        79              68               31             178
            continuing pregnancy
            Gestational age at                 25.1            24.5             21.1           24.2
            surgery (wks)
            Range (wks)                        17.6-30.4       17.9-32.1        17.0-26.6      17.0-32.1
            delivery (wks)
            Gestational age at                 30.1            30.4             32.7           30.7
            delivery (wks)
            Range (wks)                        21.6-36.7       19.6-39.3        21.7-40.4      19.6-40.4
            Interval surgery to                4.9             6.0              11.6           6.5
            delivery (wks)
            Range (wks)                        0-16            0-19             0.3-21.4       0-21.4
            Pulmonary edema                    22/79 (27.8%)   17/68 (25.0%)    0/31 (0.0%)    39/178 (21.9%)
            Bleeding requiring                 11/87 (12.6%)   2/69 (2.9%)      0/31 (0.0%)    13/187 (7.0%)
            blood transfusion
            PTL leading to delivery            26/79 (32.9%)   18/68 (26.5%)    4/31 (12.9%)   48/178 (27.0%)
            PPROM                              41/79 (51.9%)   30/68 (44.1%)    8/31 (25.8%)   79/178 (44.4%)
            Chorioamnionitis                   7/79 (8.9%)     1/68 (1.5%)      0/31 (0.0%)    8/178 (4.5%)
            Table from Wu and Ball,  2009.
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