Page 4 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 4

HL Chauke

               The critical point determining success for fetal surgery  and number of cases where an original research was
            is a multidisciplinary approach. This itself has led to the  undertaken. Older articles were considered where the author
            current advances in management as each discipline  felt that they carried information that was indispensable for
            constantly strive to excel in their field with audit as the key  the completion of this review.
            factors in reaching new frontiers. The International Fetal
            Medicine and Surgery Society, has endorsed a consensus  RESULTS
            statement aimed at guiding the practice of fetal surgery
            (Table 1). 7                                       The findings of the literature search are discussed under
                                                               different subheadings below.
               With the practice of open surgery considerable fetal and
            maternal morbidity were encountered. This has been the
            driving force behind the birth of minimal access techniques  Ethical Consideration
            as clinicians tried to balance the benefit and side effect of  Intrauterine surgical procedures are fraught with ethical
            intervention. Major drawback of open access was has been  dilemmas. The experimental nature of the procedures and
            preterm labor, preterm rupture of membrane and     the maternal-fetal conflicts are issues that need consideration.
            chorioamnionitis, although there has been notable success.  Surgery in the fetus is effectively surgery on the mother
               Minimal access surgery is a well-established surgical  who is always an innocent bystander with no direct benefit
            approach, often regarded as the preferred method if not  as far as her well-being is concerned. Risks of anesthesia
            gold standard for some form of surgical treatment such as  and surgery to both mother and fetus should be addressed
            in some general surgical conditions and the elderly. 8,9  and the woman counselled appropriately to obtain informed
            Advantages of this technique have been described elsewhere  consent. The concept of the fetal patient and the boundaries
            for different kinds of surgical setting.  The question arises  that define this status is often blurred. However, once the
            as to the status of minimal access surgery in the current
                                                               woman confer patient status to her unborn baby, the
            management of fetal conditions given its established role in
                                                               beneficence-based obligations of the clinician to the fetal
            other forms of surgery. The above question has prompted
                                                               patient should be weighed against autonomy considerations
            this literature review.                                                  10
                                                               for the pregnant mother.  Possible outcomes and effect
            AIM                                                on pregnancy, alternative form of treatment and effect of
                                                               the proposed intervention on her future should be discussed
            The aim of this article was to review the role of minimal
                                                               and recommendation from the International Society of Fetal
            access surgery in the management of fetal conditions as
                                                               Medicine and Surgery (Table 1), adhered to.
            published in the literature.
                                                                  A multidisciplinary team of experts came together at the
            MATERIALS AND METHODS                              National Institutes of  Health (NHI) in the year 2000 with
            Literature search was performed using Highwire,    further recommendations.  The principle of redistribution
            Medscape, Medline and google scholar. Keywords used for  of resources is another ethical issue that need a review on
            the search were as follows:                        its own when it comes to fetal surgery. Some may argue
               Fetal surgery, Fetoscopy, Minimal access surgery.  against the use of limited resources in a world burdened
               Articles were considered in terms of the year of publi-  with vast and potentially preventable conditions, for
            cation, relevance to the topic, publishing/research institution  procedures that are best regarded as experimental with
                                                               questionable long-term effects to the recipients (fetuses).
                                                               Long-term data is needed to assess the effect that these
                      Table 1: Prerequisites for fetal surgery
                                                               procedures will have during adulthood to the index patient.
            1. There should be accurate diagnosis, exclusion of associated
               anomalies and proper staging of the condition.
            2. The natural history and prognosis for the given condition  Technical Aspects
               should have been established.
            3. Absence of effective postnatal treatment.       Instruments used in fetal endoscopic surgery are purpose-
            4. Animal studies performed in utero have demonstrated  designed. This has come as a result of cooperation between
               feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed therapy.  companies and clinicians. Entry into amniotic cavity is by
            5. The intervention should take place in specialized setting, with  diamond-cut needle within sheath. This has been designed
               multidisciplinary involvement. These centers should have strict
               protocols and institutional ethics committee approval with  to minimize rupture of membrane and is expandable.
               informed consent for the affected parents.      Troncars are miniaturised and endoscopes are usually 18
               Adapted from Deprest et al , 2006               cm in length, 1.2 to 3.5 mm in size. Thirty telescopes offer
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