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Current Status of Minimal Access Surgery (MAS) in the Field of Maternal-Fetal Medicine

            maximum visibility in the amniotic cavity but zero degrees
            are available. Flexible cannulas and telescopes using
            fiberoptic technology are also available for placental
            operations. 5
               Carbon dioxide is the gas used for adults endoscopy as
            it makes visualization easy, is well-absorbed and does not
            support combustion. This has been shown to result in fetal
            acidosis and placental insufficiency, when used in fetal
            surgery. 12,13  Because ultrasound is needed to aid in troncar
            insertion and fetal monitoring, sonographic images would
            be compromised by use of carbon dioxide.  A fluid exchange
            medium is often used.
            Clinical Application
                                                                  Fig. 1:  Laser treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
            There are number of fetal conditions that minimal access           (From Lambretti, 20  2009)
            surgery has been utilized successfully.
                                                               coagulation with laser, Banet et al, reported normal
            Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
                                                               development in 78% at 22 months, 11% minor neurological
            This is a complex condition occurring in 10 to 20% of  deficit (minor neurological abnormalities, e.g. mildly delayed
            monochorionic pregnancy.  The pathological basis for  motor development) while 11% had major neurological sequel
            this condition is often unpaired vascular anastomoses  such cerebral palsy. 21  These findings were similar to the
            between the twins. One twin, the donor, suffers from  one reported in the eurofetus (major abnormalities in 13%). 22
            intrauterine growth restriction due to chronic vascular  In his study, no difference was noted between the
            insufficiency and the other become fluid overloaded. There  amnioreduction and laser-treated group. This underscores
            are various staging systems that are used in the management  the inherent effect of the underlying condition as well as
            of  TTTS, for example; Quintero, Cincinnati, Children’s  gestational age in treatment outcome not necessarily the
            Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Cardiovascular  form of treatment. 14  Laser, seem to be the best choice in
            Profile Scoring system.  Mortality has been reported to be  the treatment of severe TTTS.
            around 80% if untreated. 15
               Treatment options available include, amnioreduction,  Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
            microseptostomy, fetoscopic laser photocoagulation,  This condition affects 1:2400 livebirths.  The underlying
            photoscopic cord coagulation. A randomized controlled trial  problem is an anatomical defect in the diaphragm leading to
            comparing laser versus serial amnioreduction concluded that  herniation of abdominal organs into the thorax. This results
            laser was superior to serial amnioreduction in the manage-  in lung compression, lung hypoplasia, hydrops and fetal
            ment of this condition before 26 weeks. 16  The study  demise. The condition ranges from mild to severe. Initial
            composed of  72 women for the laser group and 70 women  open approach to correct the defect was faced with serious
            for the amnioreduction group, reported higher likelihood of  technical challenges. 24,25  Negative prognostic factors for
            survival, lower incidence of periventricular leukomalcia and  this condition that predict outcome is the presence/absence
            more less neurological complications at 6 months of age in  of liver herniation (liver up/liver down) and the lung-head
            favor of laser treatment. Other studies have reported similar  ratio (LHR). 25,26
            findings. 17,18  The procedure is depicted in Figure 1.  Due to the discouraging results of open surgery,
               Another option is fetoscopic reduction through cord  endoscopic fetal surgery evolved. Initial strategies using
            occlusion/coagulation for the recipient twin with advanced  trancheal clips gave some hope, but clips resulted in laryngeal
            cardiomyopathy and no chance of survival.  Advantages  nerve damage and were difficult to remove. 27  The
            of these procedures are that they can be done under local/  subsequent use of balloon and EXIT (Ex Utero Intrapartum
            regional anesthesia or a combination thereof and the patient  Treatment) procedure retained the success of the procedure
            can be discharged the same day.                    and overcame the problems with the clips. 28   Further
               Long-term outcome of laser treatment has been studied.  research is ongoing. This form of treatment seem to hold
            In a study of 189 children who underwent intrauterine photo-  hope for the future.
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):1-6                                 3
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