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Effects of CO  Pneumoperitoneum and Enteric Disturbance on β-endorphin in SD Rats
            difference between group A and C was significant (P <  colleagues measured a significant increase in β-EP levels
            0.01). It was 3.77 ± 0.51 ng/ml, 2.99 ± 0.70 ng/ml and  during acupuncture and transcutaneous stimulation even
            2.67 ± 0.54 ng/ml at 10, 20 and 40 minutes respectively in  before skin incision for abdominal surgery and also before
            group C, vs 2.53 ± 0.86 ng/ml, 1.46 ± 0.11 ng/ml and 1.34  laryngoscopy for intubation had been performed.  Elevated
            ± 0.14 ng/ml in group B (P < 0.01).                serum EP and cortisol levels were observed in animals and
                                                               humans subjected to major stress. Hamit Okur et al reported
            DISCUSSION                                         that there was a linear correlation between β-EP and cortisol
                                                               values and the injury severity.  Increased β-EP and cortisol
            Over the past few decades, corticotropin-releasing factor
            (CRF) signaling pathways have been shown to be the main  generation contributes to the acute phase reaction and
            coordinators of endocrine, behavioral and immune responses  hypermetabolic response that accompanies trauma. The
            to stress.  The central effectors of stress response are the  secretion of cortisol plays a central role in mediating the
                                                               metabolic responses to stress. Under perioperative
            corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) and locus
            coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) /sympathetic systems.  conditions, corticotroph-type POMC derivatives such as
            The CRH system activates stress response and is subject to  ACTH or β-EP immunoreactive material (β-endorphin IRM)
            modulation by cytokines, hormones and neurotransmitters.  have been reported to be released in conditions of
                                                               preoperative stress, surgical injury, or postoperative
            This stress system is tonically active, but both physical and  21,22
            emotional stressors that exceed a critical threshold increase  pain.   Study of Marschall, et al indicates that although
            its activity further. The principal role of glucocorticoids  β-END and ACTH are both produced by the pituitary and
            during the stress response is thought to be restraint of the  derived from a common precursor, the type of stimuli (pre-
            effectors of stress response. 5,6                  vs  postsurgical stress) seems to differentially affect their
               β-EP is an opioid peptide representing the C-terminal 31  plasma levels.
            acid residue fragment of proopiomelanocortin (POMC). The  The stress response caused by surgery is conditioned
            release of β-EP from the pituitary into the cardiovascular  by several factors such as anxiety, incision size, enteric
                                                               disturbance (enteric exposure and drawing), exposure of
            compartment under physical or emotional stress has been
            frequently reported. It is well-established that in the pituitary  abdominal organs to air, temperature change, operation
            gland CRH stimulates the release of  beta-endorphin via a  duration, operated organ and operative type, pain,
            cAMP-linked mechanism.  Guillemin et al first reported  hemorrhage and infection. Avoidance of enteric disturbance,
                                                               less hemorrhage, smaller incision size and shorter operation
            that β-EP was released from the pituitary into the blood in
            rats under stress, and that all kinds of stress could stimulate  duration contribute to lowering stress response of
            the secretion of serum β-EP, which was controlled by the  laparoscopic surgery. To obtain excellent exposure in
            hypothalamus, mainly by adenohypophysis synthesis, and  laparotomy, it is necessary to incise the abdomen and pull
            from POMC and its precursor substances.  10,11  The  the intestine. As laparoscopic surgery and induction of
            concentration of serum β-EP increased with stress responses  pneumoperitoneum cause minimal activation of the stress
            caused by different factors, reached the peak 5 ~ 10 minutes  hormones, they should result in a lower stress response on
            after continuum of the stress factors, and then decreased  the part of the patient, and possibly a shorter recovery time.
            gradually.                                         But whether reducing intraoperative pulling of the intestine
               In parallel with an increase in plasma β-EP concentration  truly reduced the extent and shortened the duration of
            during stress, an elevation in adrenocorticotropic hormone  perioperative stress response, thus reducing trauma and
            (ACTH) and cortisol plasma concentrations was observed. 12-  promoting patient rehabilitation was not conclusive.
              Stress could stimulate the secretion of serum β-EP, inhibit  The results of this study show that serum β-EP was
            activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system, regulate the stress  elevated, and the degree of elevation was related to the
            intensity, and inhibit secretion of ACTH, glucocorticoid and  severity of injury. Surgery is a stressful stimulus that elicits
            vasopressin.  H. Harbach et al found cortisol as a ‘long-  inflammatory, endocrine and metabolic responses consisting
            term parameter’ of the endocrine response to stress. 16-18  In  of increased levels of stress hormones, leading to substrate
            their previous studies, β-endorphin was measured under  mobilization. 24,25  These changes together constitute the stress
            different stress conditions. In parallel with an increase in β-  response. Laparoscopic surgery causes minimal activation
            EP concentrations during stress, an elevation in ACTH and  of the stress hormones while laparotomy results in a more
            plasma cortisol concentrations was observed. Kho and  obvious response of the stress hormones, probably due to

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2010;3(1):49-53                              51
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