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Ali Aminian et al

                   A                                         B
                     Figs 5A and B: Tenting of peritoneum during insertion of left 10 mm (A) and right 5 mm (B) suprapubic ports
                                            (A: Inflamed appendix in right inferior corner)

             We have good experience with application of      ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
          Hem-o-lok clip for securing the stump of appendix. The  We would like to thank the staff of the operating room
          successful uses of Hem-o-lok clips, which are nonabsorbable  (number one) of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran,
          polymer clips, have been shown in different procedures. 5-7  for their cooperation.
          Design of its applier markedly decreases the chance of
          possible fall out of the clip (Fig. 3), and operative time is  REFERENCES
          shorter in relation to application of the endoloop. The cost
          of Hem-o-lok clips is lower than endoscopic staplers and  1. Litynski GS. Kurt Semm and the fight against skepticism:
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                                                               5. Delibegović S, Matović E. Hem-o-lok plastic clips in securing
          According to our experiences and previous reports,  the  of the base of the appendix during laparoscopic appendectomy.
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          shorter time of operation and lower cost of Hem-o-lok clips  7. Simforoosh N, Aminsharifi A, Zand S, Javaherforooshzadeh A.
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          are advantages of this technique for ligation of appendiceal  during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. J Endourol 2007;21:
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