Page 7 - Journal of WALS
P. 7

Paul A Kisanga

          special port is used in a single small open incision of about  splenectomy was done using single incision were found and
          2 to 3 cm through umbilicus and all instruments passed through  included in the review. Other papers that had relevant literature
          it for performing an intra-abdominal operation (Fig. 4). However,  to help in the review, such as series of comparative study
          the anatomical position of the spleen coupled by the limited  between open and conventional laparoscopy, were also
          and compromised ergonomics theoretically poses some  reviewed. Parameters of particular concern are:
          challenges to the operating surgeon as the instruments are  Position of the patient, abdominal access technique, intra-
          more delicate and manipulation angle small. 1,5     operative complication, time of surgery, weight of the spleen,
              This study is aimed at reviewing the experience of SILS in  conversion, postoperative pain, duration of hospital stay and
          performing splenectomy and its outcome.             patient satisfaction.

          To review cases of single incision/single port splenectomy
          reported in the literature and analyze the outcome and  A total of nine articles were found that were specific for single
          complications. Specific objectives were to look at the access  incision splenectomy, most were case reports and one small
          technique, duration of surgery, intraoperative complications,  series of eight patients (Table 1). There was one series of
          conversion rate, postoperative pain, postoperative hospital stay,  20 patients in a review of experience with single incision
          cosmetic outcome and patient/parents acceptability.  splenectomy in which six patients had splenectomy. In this
                                                              review, total of 26 patients underwent splenectomy. Age of
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               patients ranged from 7 months  to 73 years.  There were three
          Literature search was done using Google, HighWire Press,  conversions (11.56%), time of surgery ranged from 64 to
          Medscape, SAGES website and Hinari. All papers in which  195 minutes (average of 129.5 minutes), 22 patients had access

               Fig. 3: One of the ports (SILS) used for single incision  Fig. 4: SILS port applied in the abdominal wall
                           laparoscopic surgery

                                             Table 1: Single incision splenectomy cases
             Author     Year    No. of    Age     Access   Duration  Intraoperative  Blood  Conversion  Spleen Hospital
                               patients   range           of surgery  complication  loss          weight    stay
                                                            (mins)                                       (days)
           Rottaman S   2004      1       36     Umbilicus   NR         –        NR       NO       NR        –
            Mallardi P  2009      1       24       LUQ       130        –        NR       NO       NR        –
           Barbaros U   2009      2       25     Umbilicus  110,150     –        NR       NO       NR       2.5
             Erica R    2009      2        –     Umbilicus   190     Adherent    NR        1       NR        2
             Dutta S    2010      6        8     Umbilicus   90         –        NR       NO       NR       2.5
           Targoma EM   2010      8      26-73   Umbilicus  60-170      –                  2    340-590 gm  2.5
            Hansen N    2010      1        5     Umbilicus   84         –      Minimal    NO       NR        2
             You YK     2010      3       38       ULQ     125-195    Gastric    NR       NO       NR       NR
                                                            (151)    perforation
           Srinkanth G  2011      1       20     Umbilicus   130        –        NR       NO       NR        2
           Joshi Manishi  2011    1     7 months  Umbilicus   –         –        NR       NO       NR        4

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