Page 4 - Journal of WALS
P. 4

Henry Atawurah

          3. Open orchidopexy was performed for 8 testes (Figs 1A  Laparoscopic Categorization and Treatment
             to 2B).                                          Using laparoscopic findings testes were categorized according
             Laparoscopic orchidectomy was done in two instances of  to location and viability:
          atrophied testes.
                                                              Category 1: Testes located in inguinal ring were 18 (24%) with
                                                              four of them being atrophic.
                                                              Category 2: Testes located less than 3 cm from inguinal ring
          Laparoscopy was done for 64 patients with 75 nonpalpable  (low intra-abdominal) were 20 (26.6%).
          testes. Eleven patients presented with bilateral nonpalpable  Category 3: Testes located more than 3 cm to inguinal ring
          testes (17.2%) with 41 of the testes on the right and 34 on  (high intra-abdominal) were 22 (29.4%) with five of them atrophic.
          the left.                                           Category 4: Testicular vessel and vas seen ending blindly
                                                              (vanishing testes). These were 12.
          Ultrasonography and Laparoscopy                     Category 5: Three testes were not seen, 26 testes in category 1
          Diagnosis Compared
                                                              and 2 were subjected to laparoscopic one stage Fowler-
          Ultrasound could find only 40 of the 75 testes and the location  Stephens orchidopexy, eight had open orchidopexy and the
          of 27 of these correctly described. Using laparoscopy, 72 of  four atrophied testes were excised.
          the 75 testes were found and their locations accurately  In category 3, 17 testes had two stage Fowler-Stephens
          described and viability determined. The diagnostic con-  procedure while laparoscopic orchidectomy was done for five.
          vergence of US and laparoscopy was only 16 out of 75 testes  Associated hernias which were four in number, were repaired
          (21.3%).                                            simultaneously.

                 A                                             B
                                         Figs 1A and B: Mobilization of intra-abdominal testes

                 A                                             B
                               Figs 2A and B: Undescended testes with deep ring and triangle of doom anatomy

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