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          Gina Sternschuss
          Ureteral Injury in Gynecologic Laparoscopy

          Gina Sternschuss

          ABSTRACT                                               Urological injury can also be the basis of medicolegal
          Purpose:  To review incidence, presentation, diagnostic
          methods, management, significance and avoidance of ureteral  It is an important concern for gynecologists, and can
          injuries in gynecologic laparoscopy.                happen to inexperienced as well as to experienced
          Materials and methods:  PubMed, National Center for  gynecologic surgeons. Awareness, as well as early
          Biotechnology Information Database, Journal of the Society of  recognition and detection of the possibility of urologic injury
          Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, obstetrics and gynecology journal,  is paramount of safe gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. 5
          google images were reviewed to gather information regarding  Most common sites of ureteric injury during gynecologic
          ureteral injuries in gynecologic laparoscopy.
                                                              laparoscopy are at the level of pelvic brim, near the
          Results: Ureteral injury is one of the serious complications of
                                                              infundibulopelvic ligament, and at the level where the ureter
          laparoscopic surgery, in particular, gynecologic laparoscopy. It
                                                              passes beneath uterine artery.
          is very important to be familiar with presentation, diagnostic
          methods and management as well as prevention of ureteral  Factors associated with increased incidence of ureteric
          injury at the time of gynecologic laparoscopy.      injury are the conditions leading to the distortion of the
          Conclusion: Every gynecologic surgeon has to be familiar with  pelvic anatomy, such as extensive endometriosis, pelvic
          signs and symptoms as well as management of ureteral injury  adhesions, presence of large pelvic mass. 5
          at the time of gynecologic laparoscopy.                Noteworthy that almost half of ureteric injuries occurring
          Keywords: Gynecologic laparoscopy, Ureteral injury, Ureteral  during laparoscopic hysterectomy, occur during simple,
          stenting.                                           uncomplicated hysterectomy. 6  Some investigators found
                                                              that ureteral injury during laparoscopy most commonly
          How to cite this article: Sternschuss G. Ureteral Injury in                        7
          Gynecologic Laparoscopy. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(1):  occurs near the uterosacral ligaments.
          46-48.                                                 Some surgeons routinely dissect the ureter, exposing its
                                                              course retroperitoneally, although it is also not without
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              drawbacks, such as risk of injury to the major vessels on
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              the pelvic sidewall. Some surgeons routinely stent the
                                                              ureters, but stenting the ureters has not been shown to
                                                              decrease the risk of ureteral injury (Fig. 1). In fact, presence
          Laparoscopic gynecologic surgeries have a clear
          advantage over open surgeries and considered to be more
          beneficial for the patients since patients undergoing
          laparoscopic gynecologic surgeries return to normal
          activities quicker, have shorter hospitalizations, fewer
          infections, lower overall blood loss and less postoperative
          pain. 1  Laparoscopic procedures are generally safe,
          effective and well tolerated by the patients. 2  But, e.g.
          laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy from lap hyst
          paper has higher risk of bladder and ureter injury than
          abdominal hysterectomy.  Overall rate of lower urinary
          tract injury during gynecologic laparoscopy is 3 to 4%. 4
          Injury to the lower urinary tract leads to increase in
          patient’s morbidity and mortality as well as decrease in
          quality of life.
             Urological injury is a very serious complication in
          gynecological laparoscopic operations. It is associated with
          the morbidity of vesicovaginal fistula, ureteric stenosis as
          well as hydronephrosis with variable degrees of renal
          impairment and failure may occur.                                  Fig. 1: Ureteral stenting  14

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