Page 5 - WALS Journal
P. 5

Najeeb H Mir

             omentopexy in 3 (10%) cases. Late complications  DISCUSSION
             included catheter dysfunction in two patients (6.5%),  Peritoneal dialysis is a safe and effective alternative for the
             debilitating abdominal pain requiring catheter removal  patients with ESRD, especially children.  The preservation
             in one patient, and one trocar-site hernia. The mean  of residual renal function when compared with hemodialysis
             follow-up was 17 months. Laparoscopic PD catheter                   10,11
             insertion is safe, reproducible and effective. It facilitates  is much better with PD.   The laparoscopic approach has
             placement of the catheter tip into the pelvis and allows  been widely accepted as an effective alternative to open
             adhesiolysis, omentectomy or omentopexy when     surgery.   The open method requires a painful incision
             necessary. Utilization of this technique results in a low  followed by blind insertion and carries a high potential for
             rate of PD catheter dysfunction. 4               adhesions, incisional hernia and delay in instituting full
          5. Ahmed M Al-Hashemy et al evaluated nine patients.  volume peritoneal dialysis.  The technique of two port
             The mean operating time was 41 minutes (range 30-75  laparoscopic placement of PD catheter is gaining wide
             min). The mean postoperative hospital stay was 4.5 days  acceptance in terms of reliability, efficacy and long-term
             (range 2-15 days). Two patients (22.2%) developed  usage, with minimal complications. The conversion to open
             leakage of dialysate from the 5 mm port and one patient  in 6% of patients compares favorably with a 5.2%
             (11.1%) had migration of the PDC. Our study suggests  conversion rate for laparoscopic cholecystectomy and 21%
             that this new modified technique appears to be safe and  conversion rate for laparoscopic colectomy. 16,17  Catheter
             simple and is associated with rapid postoperative  malfunction can be caused by kinking, catheter
             recovery. 3                                      displacement, omental wrapping, catheter-fibrin coating and
                                                              adhesions caused by abdominal infections. Besides exit-
          RESULTS                                             site and subcutaneous tract infections, peritonitis is a feared
          1. Mean operative time: In three of our study groups the  complication responsible for the catheter failures. Peritonitis
             mean operative time was ranging from 32 to 52    can be recurrent, with a rate of relapse of ± 0.27 episodes/
             minute. 3,4,7                                    patient/year. 7
          2. Surgical revision: The conversion to laparotomy was  Catheter migration is a common complication associated
             about 6% (2/33) in one of the trials. 6          with all techniques of catheter placement.  In one of the
          3. Catheter survival: In one of the randomized controlled  series, one patient required laparoscopic insertion of a new
             trials catheter 6 months, 1 and 2 years survival rate was  catheter due to migration. Dialysate leak remains a problem
             94, 87 and 72%. 7                                with catheter placement for continuous ambulatory
          4. Catheter leakage: Four studies reported the rate of  peritoneal dialysis. The leakage rate following placement
             catheter leakage ranging from 0% (0/51) to 22.2%  of the PD catheter through an abdominal incision has been
             (2/9). 3,7,8                                     reported to be between 13 and 27%, especially with
          5. Catheter outflow failure: Two studies reported catheter  institution of early peritoneal dialysis. 15,19,20
             outflow failure rates between 0% (0/38) and 7.6% (4/51)  None of the patients in our series had any catastrophic
             of procedures. 7,8                               hemorrhage.
                Another study showed malfunction of catheter
             in 6.5% (2/31) of patients after a mean follow-up of  CONCLUSION
             17 months. 4
          6. Catheter migration: The three randomized controlled  Two port laparoscopic PD catheter insertion is a safe,
             trials reported that the catheter migration occurred  reproducible, and effective technique. It allows inspection
             between 2.6% (1/38) and 4% (2/51) of the patients. 7,8  of the abdominal cavity and adhesiolysis, omentectomy, or
          7. Hemorrhage: All the studies did not report any catastro-  omentopexy when necessary. It facilitates exact placement
             phic bleeding related to the two ports laparoscopic  of the catheter tip into the pelvis where it functions best.
             procedure. 1-8                                   This technique is a simple and rapid procedure with few
          8. Infection: Two randomized controlled trials reported that  complications due to its reliability and excellent results in
             peritonitis occurred between 6.5% (2/33) and 13%  terms of catheter function.
             (7/51) of patients. 4,7                             A successful PD program depends on the knowledge of
                One nonrandomized controlled trial reported exit site  the placement techniques and complications. A multi-
             infection in 3% (1/33) of laparoscopic procedures. 4  disciplinary approach with great enthusiasm from the health
          9. Mean follow-up: In three of our study groups the mean  care team will improve the catheter outcome and long-term
             follow-up was between 17 months and 2 years. 4,7,8  results.
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