Page 8 - Jourmal of World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeon
P. 8

          Kadhim Abdullah et al
          Efficacy and Safety of Single Port Laparoscopic

          Cholecystectomy: A Single Institute Experience

          Kadhim Abdullah, Shah Jalal Sarker, Hitendra Patel, Bijindra Patel

          ABSTRACT                                            Minimal invasive surgery has very limited tissue trauma
                                                              and potentially less pain and wound complications, short
          Background: Over the past 5 years, minimal access surgery
          has been moved toward a new less invasive single port access  hospital stay and faster return to work, no or minimum pain
          surgery. Like any new technique, there is a need to ensure that  postoperatively and excellent cosmoses.  It also costs less.
          basic tenets of safety and efficacy are maintained. In this study,  Therefore, it has crossed all traditional boundaries to
          we demonstrate the efficacy and safety of single port
          laparoscopic surgery for cholecystectomy in 22 consecutive  specialties and disciplines.
          cases in single institution.                           On the other hand there are limitations of minimal access
          Materials and methods: It is a case series of 22 patients  surgery, it has no tactile feedback, and surgeons depend on
          (20 females/2 males) who underwent single port laparoscopic  two-dimension images instead of three and lack of depth
          cholecystectomy (SPLC) a single laparoscopic surgeon at  perceptions. Furthermore, in laparoscopic procedure
          Barts and the Royal London NHS Trust performed all surgeries  surgeon might find it difficult to control bleeding and more
          using straight conventional instruments from July 2009 to
          May 2011.                                           chance to injure nearby structure due to hand eye in
                                                              coordination or loss of triangulation. Moreover, longer
          Results: In our series, the operations were performed by SPLC
          successful in 21 patients. In one case an extra-port was added  operating time due to instruments crashing and crowding
          due to inadequate exposure. The mean age was 37.27 years  and training requirements might cause conversion to open
          (24-70). The mean BMI was 25.25 kg/m  (21.1-35). The mean  surgery. 5
          operative time was 69.21 minutes (30-90). Gallbladder
          perforations were recorded in three cases. Minor bleeding was  With more experiences gained and further developments
          found in one case. The mean hospital stay was <24 (10.05)  in surgical innovation and instrumentation, surgeons over
          hours. Visual analog scale was used to record pain severity  the last few years made an effort to further minimize tissue
          and the mean was less than one. All patients had uneventful
          recovery.                                           invasiveness and access trauma and therefore results in less
                                                              pain, quick recovery and better cosmoses results.  In this
          Conclusion: The results from current series show SPLC to be
          a promising technique. We established in this series that SPLC  new approach one skin incision is to be made almost always
          is a safe, efficacious and feasible technique, but it took longer  in the umbilicus and then either single or multiple facial
          to perform than standard surgery. It can be performed using  incisions are made through which one multichannel port
          straight instruments. However, routine application of this novel
          technique requires evaluation of its safety and effectiveness in  inserted. The Transumbilical technique for cholecystectomy,
          large randomized studies.                           without additional incisions, was described first by Navarre
                                                              et al in 1997 and later by Piskun et al in 1999, but failed to
          Abbreviation: SILS: Single incision laparoscopic surgery;
          SIMPLS: Single incision multiport laparoscopic surgery; OPUS:  gain popularity due to lack of proper instrumentation. 10,11
          One port umbilical surgery; TUES: Transumbilical endoscopic  According to some surgeons, single port laparoscopic
          surgery; SPAS: Single port access surgery, are acronyms of  cholecystectomy (SPLC) should only be offered to those
          LESS: Laparoendoscopic single site surgery.
                                                              with favorable anatomy and pathology similar to other
          Keywords: Single incision laparoscopic, Cholecystectomy,  indication of standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
          Single port access surgery, Laparoendoscopic single sit.
                                                                 The aim of single port is to minimize the access trauma,
          How to cite this article: Abdullah K, Sarker SJ, Patel H, Patel B.  better cosmoses, less postoperative pain and at the same
          Efficacy and Safety of Single Port Laparoscopic Cholecystec-
          tomy: A Single Institute Experience. World J Lap Surg 2013;  time maintain the dissection principles and safety issue and
          6(1):6-10.                                          get the same outcome of standard laparoscopic chole-
          Source of support: Nil
                                                                 In SPLC, special skills are needed to be mastered to
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 overcome some difficulties like working in limited spaces
                                                              with few instrument, loss of triangulation and poor visibility
                                                              due to instrument camera interface, there is little doubt that
          Gallbladder surgery has developed from most invasive open  this procedure lacks clear evidence about patient’s eligibility
          surgery with extensive tissue trauma; prolonged recovery  and common techniques and instruments to make it the
          period and high morbidity to minimal invasive surgery.  standard way of laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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