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                                                             Veress Needle: A Safe Technique in Modern Laparoscopic Era

                                         Table 3: Distribution of entry time according to BMI
                                      Group A (<30)                       Group B (>30)
             Entry time          Freq              %                 Freq              %              Total
             <5 minutes         2,529              84                 481              16             3,010
             >5 minutes           281              28                 723              72             1,004
             Total              2,810              70               1,204              30             4,014

                                        Table 4: Distribution of complications in relation to BMI
                                               Group A (<30)                 Group B (>30)
             Complications                 Freq            %            Freq             %            Total
             Abdominal wall emphysema       3              25             9              75             12
             Omental injury                 3              27             8              73             11
             Small bowel injury             0               0             2             100             2
             Mesenteric vascular injury     0               0             2             100             2
             Total                          6              22            21              78             27

          complications. Roal Palmer in 1974 introduced the Veress  neum, the Veress needle insertion is the most frequently
          needle for creation of pneumoperitoneum  and very soon  used technique. 27
          it became a very popular method. This method is called  In our study there was not any major vascular injury
          closed method as the Veress needle and the first trocar  whereas different comparative studies have shown vascular
          afterward are introduced blindly, whereas in Hasson’s  injury in 0.04% of cases with closed primary access 0.01%
          technique first trocar is introduced under vision. Different  with open primary access. Visceral injury was reported to
          type of trocars like optical trocars and shielded trocars have  be 0.07% in closed and 0.05% in open method 5,20,26  but in
          also been introduced but none have been proved to be  our study it was 0%. Different authors have reported the
          superior to others, but these are even more expensive. 12,13  rate of trocar related injury (mesenteric, small bowel and
          Many studies have reported more number of complications  omental injury) as high as 1% 1,3,17  but in our study it is
          with Veress needle as compared to open method but as per  0.37%. Out of these complications, 80% occurred in
          the available evidence open technique has not eliminated  group B and only 20% in group A. Most of the trocar-related
          the complications. 14,15  Many studies have shown that there  injury occur during the first trocar insertion as others are
          is no difference of bowel injury in the two above mentioned  inserted under vision.  Champault et al in a French survey
          method but vascular injury in open method is reported to  of 103,852 laparoscopic surgeries found that 83% of
          be very very low. 8                                 vascular injuries, 75% of bowel injuries and 50% of local
             There are reports from general surgeons for demand of  hemorrhages were caused during primary trocar insertion. 18
          Hasson’s technique in all circumstances  but cohort studies  Jared et al described an approach by giving incision on left
          reported by gynecologist like Swiss Association of  side of umbilicus and the abdomen is opened at the point
          Laparoscopic and Thoracic Surgeons (SALTS) showed no  where base of umbilicus joins linea alba and claimed that it
          superiority of open method over the closed method   reduces the incidence of visceral and vascular injury.  HJ
          regarding the primary access related complications. 17  Bonjer in his review favored the open technique conforming
             There are some studies which have highlighted that the  the low incidence of injury with open technique and claimed
          number of entry related complications was higher in open  that it is safe, simple and cost-effective as it can be performed
          technique compared to closed ones and hence the closed  with a reusable trocar.  Studies conducted by Ballem RV,
          technique should not be abandoned.  Jansen et al in a study  Bonjer HJ, Sigman HH, et al compared open to closed access
          on 25,764 patients found that 83 out of 145 complications  techniques, found open technique to be superior with respect
          were related to primary access and there was no significant  to less complications than closed. 20-22
          reduction of complications with open methods.  Although  A meta-analysis by Larobina et al of 760,890 closed
          there is no consensus regarding the best method of gaining  laparoscopy and 22,465 open laparoscopy concluded that
          access to the peritoneal cavity to create a pneumoperito-  the open (Hasson) technique eliminate the risk of vascular
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2013;6(1):1-5                                  3
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