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           ORIGINAL ARTICLE                                                Dilip-Sarbani Knot (New Extracorporeal Knot)
          Dilip-Sarbani Knot (New Extracorporeal Knot)

          Bijan Kumar Mukhopadhyay

          ABSTRACT                                            meaning. There are currently 18 basic types of Chinese
                                                              knots: Including the ‘cross knot’, ‘ring hitch’ and the
          Knots are very important in the general and laparoscopic
          surgery. Knots are of two types, extracorporeal and intra-  ‘Chinese lanyard knot’ to name a few. Certain knots, such
          corporeal. Intracorporeal knots are difficult while extracorporeal  as the ‘mystic knot’ pattern with its seemingly endless and
          knots are comparatively easy to make, as we make it outside.  repetitive pattern evokes one of the fundamental truths of
          This new knot (Dilip-Sarbani knot) is an extracorporeal knot.  Buddhism and the cyclical nature of all existence. In essence,
          We shall take 20 cm length suture material of prolene, vicryl or
          catgut. Then we shall take three simple rounds in left index  knot work serves to create an atmosphere of well-being,
          finger. Then we shall mark it as no 1, 2 and 3. Then we shall  good luck and health, longevity and harmony. As gifts, they
          take no 1 over no 2 and again no 2 over no 3 and lastly no 3  are emotional, sentimental, and are often keepsakes between
          over no 1. Then we shall pull it tightly. The knot is prepared.  lovers and friends.
          Finally push the above portion of knot to the target organ for
          making it tight. If we want to be more secure then we can give  It was the custom of Roman brides to wear a girdle tied
          one more simple knot. This knot can be used in tubal ligation, in  with a square (reef) knot, which their husbands untied on
          appendectomy or where tubular structure and stump ligation.  their marriage night, as an omen of prolific offspring.

          Keywords: Extracorporeal, New knot, Dilip-Sarbani.  Moreover, it was believed that wounds healed more rapidly
                                                              when the bandages which bound them were tied with a
          How to cite this article: Mukhopadhyay BK. Dilip-Sarbani Knot
          (New Extracorporeal Knot). World J Lap Surg 2013;6(1):15-18.  square (reef) knot.
                                                                 Most of the ancient civilized nations, as well as savage
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              tribes, were accomplished rope makers. Because rope could
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 have served few useful purposes unless it could be attached
                                                              to objects by knots, man’s conception of the rope and the
          INTRODUCTION                                        knot must have occurred concomitantly. Knotted ropes
                                                              played many important roles in the ancient world, being
          A knot is a method of fastening or securing linear material
          like rope by tying or interweaving. It may consist of a length  used in building bridges and in rigging ships. Because rope
          of one or several segments of rope, string, chain strap  and knots have been two of man’s most useful tools since
          interwoven such that the line can bind to itself or to some  the dawn of history.
                                                                 In the first century of our common era, the Greek
          other object—the ‘load’. Knots have been the subject of  physician Heraklas wrote a brief essay on how to tie 16 knots
          interest for their ancient origins, common uses and the area  and nooses for surgical and orthopedic purposes. It was
          of mathematics known as knot theory. 1              found that seven of Heraklas’ 16 knots and nooses were
             Knots are very important in the surgery. The history of  still applied surgically of late, and that four of these have
          knots is as old as and belongs to the era of when human  even been recently rediscovered for such applications. The
          beings first began making weapons for hunting.  2   use of knots for basic purposes such as fastening, recording
          Archaeological studies indicate that the art of tying knots,  information and tying objects together is known for
          which has been most simply defined by the Chinese   thousands of years. As the time progressed, people got to
          dictionary Shuo-Wen Chieh-Tzu as ‘the joining of two  know the use of different knots for different tasks like
          cords’, by the Chinese people has a legacy that extends back  climbing or sailing. Knots were also considered to have
          nearly 70,000 to 100,000 years. The knot was the basis for  spiritual and religious symbolism in addition to their esthetic
          written and symbolic communication, a method of record  qualitie—the endless knot appears in Tibetan Buddhism.
          keeping and a symbolic representation of meaningful  The rope manufacturing today is same as rope manufactured
          historical events that occurred over time. For instance,  2000 to 9000 years ago–with a twist to the left or right. 3
          events of importance were symbolized by tying of knots;  Catgut is made from the gut of animals and has been in use
          the size or girth of the knot itself was reliant upon the  for many hundreds of years for tying knots. There are some
          importance of significance of the event being archived.  examples of knots preserved that are up to 10,000 years old.
          Through the ages, the tying of knots has played an important  This mythology of knots may have contributed to some
          role in the life of man.                            surgeon’s perception of surgical knots more as an art form,
             Chinese knots are deeply entwined in folkloric tradition.  than as a science. For those artisans, the use of methods
          It is evident that decorative knot work is ripe with symbolic  and materials for suturing is usually a matter of habit,
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2013;6(1):15-18                              15
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