Page 25 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Mini Two-port Laparoscopic Appendicectomy with Novel Knotting Technique
            Better cosmesis achieved in TPA as scar was hidden in umbilicus   occurrence leads to many difficulties in diagnosis. Diagnosis
            and pubic hairline producing scarless appearance (Fig. 4) and scar   of acute appendicitis includes clinical examination, laboratory
            was visible at umbilicus and left iliac fossa in CLA. Infection rate   tests, diagnostic scoring systems, and imaging modalities like
            was 0.59% and 3.125% for TPA and CLA, respectively. Incidence of   ultrasonography and computerized tomography. CT demonstrates
            intraoperative bleeding and intraoperative rupture of appendix   a sensitivity and specificity of 83%–100%.  Scoring systems link
            was less in TPA (1.19% and 0%, respectively) as compared to CLA   clinical examination and laboratory tests by certain quantification
            (6.25% and 3.125%, respectively). Mean hospital stay was less in   of symptoms, signs, and laboratory parameters. 6
            TPA (1.7 days) compared to CLA (2.1 days). No major intraoperative   The first successful appendicectomy was performed in by
            complications were observed (Table 1).             Claudius Amyand in 1735. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was first
                                                               performed by the German gynecologist Kurt Semm in 1980,  which
            dIscussIon                                         became a new gold standard in surgical treatment of appendicitis.
            The incidence of appendicitis gradually rises from birth,  peaks in   Surgical advancement in the management of acute appendicitis
            the late 10 years, and gradually declines in the geriatric years.  It   has evolved in great extent in the last 120 years, from McBurney’s
            is most prevalent in young belonging to the age group of 10–19   simple large incision and its modification to minimally invasive LA,
            years.  In recent years, the number of cases in patients aged 30–69   to barely noticeable incisions after single-incision laparoscopic
            years has increased to 6.3%.  However, cosmesis has been an utmost   surgery (SILS). 9
            importance lately among all the age groups.           The safest treatment in all stages of the inflamed appendix
               Clinical presentation of 30% to 45% patients suspected of   is appendicectomy.  Open appendicectomy always results in a
            appendicitis is frequently unspecified and despite common   disfiguring scar over the abdomen. Cosmetic outcome is important
                                                               to consider as the disease affects mainly the young people. 11,12  Apart
                                                               from cosmesis, Larson et al.  has established numerous reasons
                                                               why a laparoscopic procedure stands superior to the conventional
                                                               open appendicectomy which includes better visualization and
                                                               magnification, exploration of all surrounding viscera, better
                                                               handling in obese patients, minimal tissue trauma, and reduced
                                                               the incidence of surgical-site infection. 14,15
                                                                  The conventional three-port laparoscopic appendicectomy
                                                               includes 10-mm camera port at the umbilicus and 2 working 5-mm

            Fig. 3: Trans-fixation of base of appendix by percutaneous introduction
            of polyglactin suture, needle retrieved, and long end of suture pulled
            out through port and knotting done                 Fig. 4: Postoperative scar in male and female patients

                   Table 1: Showing results of two-port appendicectomy vs conventional laparoscopic appendicectomy
                                               Mini two-port technique of appendicectomy  Conventional three-port
                   S. no  Parameters           (n = 168)                      appendicectomy (n = 32)
                   1      Operative time (minutes)  24                        42
                   2      Cosmesis             Two 5-mm port scars hidden in umbilicus  One 10 mm and two 5 mm. Scar
                                               and pubic hairline producing “scarless”   visible at umbilicus and lt. iliac fossa
                   3      Wound infection      1 (0.59%)                      1 (3.125%)
                   4      Hospital stay (mean days)  1.7                      2.1
                   5      Intraoperative rupture of   0                       1 (3.125%)
                   6      Intraoperative bleeding  2 (1.19%)                  2 (6.25%)
                   7      Adhesiolysis         50                             12

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)  23
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