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                                                               Novel Technique in Laparoscopic Staple-line Reinforcement

            Fig. 2: Final fixation of the hemostatic material to the stapler   Fig. 3: Sleeve gastrectomy using the new technique of SNoW
                            load with two ties                                  reinforce stapler

          in the era of increasing demand on bariatric surgery due   the staple line on firing. Features of ideal buttressing
          to the increasing epidemic of obesity worldwide.    material should include enhancement of the strength of
             Three different techniques have mainly been pro-  the staple line during healing process and the material
          posed in the literature to prevent staple-line bleeding   should also be flexible and thin enough for easy cutting
          including oversuturing, buttressing material and appli-  by the stapler blade.
          cation of tissue glue or sealant agent. Dapri et al  have   A  similar  technique has been described in the
          published the only randomized clinical trial compar-  literature by using Surgicel  Nu-knit  (considered to be
          ing the outcome of three different reinforcements: No   too thick for white load) reinforcement with glue fixation
          enforcement, Gore Seamguard  and staple-line over-  (usually difficult to find) and has been done in Roux-en-Y
          sewing with polydioxanone; the study demonstrated   gastric bypass, but there is no study in sleeve gastrectomy
          significantly lower blood loss in the buttressing group   or other applications. 8
          with Gore Seamguard  but with longer operative time
          and higher cost (640–890 euros). Other studies in the   CONCLUSION
          literature are low in power and do not address cost per
          se.  Buttressing material is becoming widely used as a   Stapler-line reinforcement with SURGICEL SNoW  or
          means of lowering intraoperative as well as postoperative   SURGICEL  Original fixed with suture in this novel
          complications ; moreover, it is associated with lower   technique is safe, practical, convenient and affordable.
          complication in early surgeon experience.  A number of
          staple-line buttressing reinforcements described in the   REFERENCES
          literature include bioabsorbable polyglycolic acid and     1.  Lattouf JB, Beri A, Klinger CH, Jeschke S, Janetschek G.
          trimethylene carbonate (Gore Seamguard ), nonabsorb-    Practical hints for hemostasis in laparoscopic surgery. Minim
          able bovine pericardium (Peri-Strips Dry ) and small    Invasive Ther Allied Technol 2007;16(1):45-51.
          bowel submucosa (Surgisis ).                          2.  Dapri G, Cadiere GB, Himpens J. Reinforcing the staple line
             Gagner and Buchwald  reported Gore Seamguard         during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy; prospective rand-
          to be the best hemostatic material with possible added   omized clinical study comparing three different techniques.
                                                                  Obese Surg 2010 Apr;20(4):462-467.
          benefit of decreasing staple-line leaks to 1.1% in a study     3.  Albanopoulos K, Alevizos L, Flessas J, Menenakos E, Sta-
          of 8,900 sleeve gastrectomy as compared with 2% in      mou KM, Papailiou J, Natoudi M, Zografos G, Leandros E.
          oversuture, 2.2% in nonreinforcement and 3.3% in Peri-  Reinforcing the staple line during laparoscopic sleeve gas-
          Strips group.                                           trectomy: prospective randomized clinical study comparing
             Unfortunately, these materials are expensive, costing   two different techniques. Preliminary results. Obes Surg 2012
          US$280 in the author’s country for each load with       Jan;22(1):42-46.
          approximate total cost in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy     4.  Rosenthal RJ, International Sleeve Gastrectomy Expert Panel,
          equal to US$1,500 for one operation, while the net cost of   Diaz AA, Arvidsson D, Baker RS, Basso N, Bellanger D,
                                                                  Boza C, El Mourad H, France M, et al. International sleeve
          the used Surgicel  and the ties is around US$200.       gastrectomy expert panel consensus statement best practice
             The buttressing material needs to be preloaded       guidelines based on experience of >12,000 cases. Surg Obes
          onto the stapler handle and become incorporated into    Relat Dis 2012 Jan-Feb;8(1):8-19.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):104-106                              105
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