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                                                                           Hysteroscopy in Uterine Anomalies: An Edge
             first period after her surgery and has been regularly   apart (Figs 1E and 3). A hysteroscopic metroplasty
             menstruating since then, much to her and her fam-   was done and both cavities were enlarged. Lower
             ily’s joy. Follow-up ultrasonography (USG) was done,   half of the uterine cavities were unified by cutting
             which interestingly showed her ovaries’ size to be   the adjoining myometrial tissues of both the horns
             larger and normal than before and a uterus of size   using a traditional monopolar resectoscope. After
             66 × 40 × 27 mm. Endometrium now was being well     the procedure the uterine horns on laparoscopy had
             formed and typically triple layered.                come closer. An intrauterine device (after removing
          2.  A 40-year-old nulliparous lady complaining of chronic   copper) was inserted and she was put on sequential
             pelvic pain and severe dysmenorrhea for the past few   hormones. Her 2nd look surgery gave a perfectly
             years worsened over the past few months. She was    normal healed cavity (Fig. 1F).
             also concerned about her future fertility options.  4.  A 33-year-old female came with a complaint of pain
             Ultrasonography showed a unicornuate uterus with    in lower abdomen, with history of secondary infer-
             a left-sided uterine horn with an endometrial cavity;   tility and two miscarriages, diagnosed as complete
             these findings were confirmed by MRI (Figs 1C and 2).    uterine septum with two cervices (bicollis) (Fig. 1G).
             The patient underwent diagnostic and operative      A diagnostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteros-
             hysteroscopy with lateral meteroplasty, while diag-  copy was advised. Hysteroscopic septal resection was
             nostic and operative laparoscopy with resection of   performed with resectoscope by keeping both cervices
             the rudimentary horn and fulguration of endome-     intact under general anesthesia in early proliferative
             triotic lesions. The findings on hysteroscopy were   phase (Fig. 1H). She conceived and delivered a term
             unicornuate small uterine cavity, with right-side ostia   healthy baby girl by lower segment cesarean section.
             visualized. All four walls were normal; cervical canal   Intraoperatively, uterus was normal and no septum
             also normal; on laparoscopy unicornuate uterus with   was seen.
             left-sided noncommunicating rudimentary horn with  5.  A 26-year-old with history of (h/o) two miscarriages
             an endometrial cavity was seen; B/L tubes normal;   came as a case of secondary infertility. She had two
             B/L ovaries: Endometriotic spots seen. Endometriotic   spontaneous abortions at 8 and 9 weeks. Her hystero-
             spots were seen on the utero-sacral ligaments and   salpingography (HSG) revealed partial uterine sep-
             bowel adherent to left pelvic wall. At the end, the   tum and B/L tubes patent with free spillage (Fig. 1I).
             cavity was much larger and adequate for conception   Ultrasound showed bicornuate uterus. Thus a diag-
             (Fig. 1D).                                          nostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
          3.  A case of 25-year-old lady with history of one sponta-  was advised. Hysteroscopic septoplasty was per-
             neous abortion at 14 weeks, 2 years earlier. Now anx-  formed with scissors, and intrauterine device was
             ious to conceive. On hysteroscopy both cornua in the   inserted after removing copper coil (Figs 1J and 4).
             lower half were close together, simulating a septate or   On laparoscopy, uterus was normal in size with
             bicornuate uterus. In the upper part, they were further   broad fundus. Her relook hysteroscopy a month later

                              Figs 1A to L: Diagrammatic representation of anomolies before and after surgery
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):86-91                                 87
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