Page 4 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 4

Shailesh Kumar et al
          obviously negative implications on exercise and energy  Preoperative Preparation
          expenditure at the biological level. Apart from that   All routine investigations including upper gastrointes-
          medical care, food habits, educational status, and family   tinal endoscopy, echocardiography, and psychological
          income have dramatically improved, which, along with
          easy access to city and television watching, result in   assessment for conducting LSG were done on every
          unwanted changes in lifestyle. These have eventually   patient. All patients were instructed to start chest phys-
          led to significant increase in BMI.                 iotherapy using incentive spirometry and liver shrinkage
             Obesity is one of the major risk factors for diabetes,   diet 1 week prior to surgery. Deep venous thrombosis
          yet there has been little research focusing on this risk   (DVT) prophylaxis with DVT pump during surgery and
          factor across India.  Therapeutic interventions for the   subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin were given
          treatment of obesity range from lifestyle and diet modi-  to all patients 12 hours before and continued for 7 to
          fications to pharmacologic and surgical therapy.  Studies   10 days after the surgery.
          showed that the nonoperative interventions for sustained
          weight loss usually fail to provide real benefits and are  SURGICAL METHOD
          usually insufficient and not sustainable. 13,14  Bariatric   A procedure of LSG was performed using classical five
          surgery is an evidence-based treatment of morbid obesity   ports under general anesthesia. The patients were in
          with proven, sustained weight loss and improvement in   antitrendelenburg position with legs apart to facilitate
          comorbidities. 15-17                                the small intestine to remain out of field of surgery. The
             The limited and nonsustainable success of behavioral,   surgeon stood between the legs. Pneumoperitoneum was
          lifestyle modification and drug therapies in morbidly   achieved using a closed technique with a Veress needle,
          obese patients has led to a increase interest in bariatric   placed in supraumbilical area just left to the midline. The
          surgery in Canada.  A variety of surgical procedures   xiphisternum was taken as the reference point. Three
          are available, and currently it is difficult to identify the   ports of size 12 mm were placed from the reference point
          most effective option based on patient characteristics    at 15 to 18 cm at right mid-clavicular line (left working
          and comorbidities. Furthermore, little is known regard-   port), 2 to 3 left to mid-line (optical port), and left mid-
          ing the effect of the various surgical procedures on gly-  clavicular line (right working port) respectively. The
          cemic control and on Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)   4th port of 5 mm (assistant port) were inserted at left
          remission. 18-21                                    anterior axillary line below the costal margin. The epi-
             Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), a single-stage   gastric port of 5 mm was inserted to retract the left lobe
          procedure, is a relatively new and effective surgical   of liver. All surgeries were done by the same surgeon to
          option for morbid obesity.  Although LSG functions as   minimize the biasness (Figs 1 to 3).
          a restrictive procedure, it may also cause early satiety by
          removing the ghrelin-producing portion of the stomach. 23  The stomach was decompressed by placing an oro-
                                                              gastric tube. The operating surgeon stood in between
          MATERIALS AND METHODS                               the legs of the patient with the first and second assistant
                                                              standing to the patient’s right and left side respectively.
          The prospective cohort study was conducted at the     Omentolysis was started about 3 to 5 cm proximal to the
          Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Post Graduate Insti-
          tute of Medical Education and Research, New Delhi, India,
          between January 2015 and March 2016. Patients included
          were of either sex of age 18 to 60 years who had tried for
          weight loss for at least 6 months by dietary restriction and
          lifestyle modification, but failed to maintain sustained
          weight loss. The criteria for selection were BMI ≥ 40 kg/m
          or BMI ≥ 35 kg/m  with comorbidity. All the patients
          were screened by a multidisciplinary team consisted of a
          surgeon, a nutritionist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist,
          a chest physician, and a psychologist. All the patients
          were thoroughly evaluated and an informed consent in
          detail was taken.
             The percentage of excess weight loss (EWL) was
          measured on each follow-up visit. The BMI up to 25 was
          taken as the normal, and weight beyond that were taken
          as the excess weight.                                               Fig. 1: Port placement
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