Page 38 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgeons
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          Maulana M Ansari                                                      10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1327

          Posterior Rectus Sheath: A Prospective Study of

          Laparoscopic Live Surgical Anatomy during Total
          Extraperitoneal Preperitoneal Hernioplasty

          Maulana M Ansari

          ABSTRACT                                            How to cite this article: Ansari MM. Posterior Rectus Sheath:
                                                              A Prospective Study of Laparoscopic Live Surgical Anatomy
          Aim: Posterior rectus sheath (PRS) recently assumed great   during Total Extraperitoneal Preperitoneal Hernioplasty. World
          importance during laparoscopic total extraperitoneal preperito-  J Lap Surg 2018;11(1):12-24.
          neal (TEPP) hernioplasty. However, literature is scanty and cadav-
          eric. Novel observations on live PRS anatomy are reported here.  Source of support: Nil
          Materials and methods: Totally, 60 male patients with primary   Conflict of interest: None
          inguinal hernia underwent 68 TEPP hernioplasties. Standard
          3-midline-port technique was used with telescopic dissection.
          Data were analyzed as mean ± standard deviation (SD).  INTRODUCTION
          Results: All patients were male with mean age and body  The oversimplified traditional description of the ingui-
          mass index of 50.1 ± 17.2 years (18–80) and 22.6 ± 2.0 kg/m     nal anatomy is still taught in our anatomy classrooms,
          (19.5–31.2) respectively. The classically described PRS   leading to a fixed mindset that often proves counter-
          (normal-length whole tendinous) was found in only 46% of
          the cases, while in the remaining 54%, the PRS was found as   productive for instant recognition and precise dissec-
          variant types, which included short whole-tendinous (4.4%),  tion of the anatomical structures required during the
          long whole tendinous (LWT) (4.4%), complete-length whole  laparoscopic surgery.  This seems true not only for the
          tendinous (8.8%), normal-length partly tendinous (NPT)   upcoming young surgeons, but also the seasoned senior
          (11.8%), long partly tendinous (LPT) (10.3%), normal-length   surgeons. Inadequate understanding and improper dis-
          thinned-out (NTO) (1.5%), complete-length thinned-out (4.4%),
          normal-length  grossly  attenuated  (1.5%),  complete-length   section of the preperitoneal anatomy is now regarded
          grossly attenuated (4.4%), complete-length partly tendinous  as the main cause of difficulties during the TEPP her-
          (CPT) (1.5%), and complete-length musculo-tendinous (CMT)  nioplasty, especially in presence of the wide anatomic
          (1.5%). Additionally, anatomy of the PRS was not a mirror   variations reported from time-to-time over the last
          image on the two sides of the body in 75% of patients with        2-6
          bilateral hernias. No hernia recurrence occurred in mean   several decades,  which received little/no attention of
          follow-up of 33 months.                             the anatomists and the practicing surgeons alike.  In view
                                                              of the sparse/scanty research work on the laparoscopic
          Conclusion: Posterior rectus sheath varied markedly in
          its extent and morphology, resulting in its categorization of    live surgical anatomy available in the literature, especially
          12 types. Truly new visions of the structures known for centuries  in relation to the TEPP access anatomy,  a prospective
          are realized under excellent perspective and magnification of  first-of-its-kind laparoscopic study of the PRS was under-
          laparoscopy, and, therefore, continued anatomic research is   taken and its partial observations were published as the
          strongly recommended.
                                                              interim result by the author  in order to create a general
          Clinical significance: Crisp, precise knowledge of preperito-  awareness among the surgical fraternity, especially the
          neal anatomy is of paramount importance for timely identifica-  upcoming young hernia surgeons, and to get feedback
          tion of its variations in order to perform a seamless laparoscopic
          hernia repair with better outcome.                  from them to make the present study more illuminating
                                                              and fruitful at completion, which is presented herein.
          Keywords: Clinical research, Laparoscopic live surgical   Laparoscopic live surgical anatomy (morphology and
          anatomy, Posterior rectus canal, Posterior rectus sheath, Pre-
          peritoneal anatomy, Total extraperitoneal preperitoneal access   extent) of the PRS is primarily addressed here with its
          anatomy, Total extraperitoneal preperitoneal anatomy.  possible clinical significance.

                                                              MATERIALS AND METHODS
           Ex-Professor                                       A prospective study was conducted in the form of a
           Department of Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College   doctoral research for award of doctorate in surgery.
           Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India                      Infraumbilical PRS was carefully studied under the

           Corresponding Author: Maulana M Ansari, B-27, Silver Oak   excellent perspective and magnification of the preperi-
           Avenue, Street No. 4, Dhorra Mafi, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India   toneal laparoscopy. Laparoscopic TEPP was performed
           Phone: +919557449212, e-mail:
                                                              in the Department of Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical
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