Page 103 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgeons
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                                                                                 Percutaneous Closure of Internal Ring
          CASE REPORT

          Percutaneous Closure of Internal Ring: A Leap Ahead

          1 Ankit Shukla,  Varun Verma,  Bhanu Gupta,  Rajesh Chaudhary,  Nishant Nayar
          ABSTRACT                                               Patkowski et al  from Poland introduced a simple
          Surgery for inguinal hernia is commonly performed in children.   and easy method of suturing the internal ring percutane-
          Traditional approach is open herniotomy. However, numerous  ously with a needle under vision with a single umbilical
          minimal invasive methods are evolving with the same or low  port, naming it PIRS. Various techniques with an aim of
          complication and recurrence rates. Percutaneous internal ring   obliterating the internal ring in a minimal invasive way
          suturing (PIRS) under vision is a minimal invasive technique
          which is simple, effective, remarkably cosmetic, economi-  have been introduced from time to time like subcutane-
          cal, easy to learn and reproduce with short operative time,  ous endoscopically assisted ligation (SEAL), modified
          and  helpful  in  identifying  occult  contralateral  hernia.  This  SEAL, laparoscopically assisted simple suture oblitera-
          procedure was performed first time in our secondary care   tion (LASSO), laparoscopic percutaneous extraperitoneal
          set-up with gratifying results for the patient, parents, and the
          operating team.                                     closure (LPEC), and transumbilical endoscopic surgery.
          Keywords: Inguinal hernia, Laparoscopic, Laparoscopically   CASE REPORT
          assisted simple suture obliteration, Percutaneous internal ring
          suturing.                                           A 9-year-old female child presented to our surgery outpa-
          How to cite this article: Shukla A, Verma V, Gupta B, Chaud-  tient department with complaints of painless swelling in
          hary R, Nayar N. Percutaneous Closure of Internal Ring: A Leap  the right lower abdomen which appeared on coughing or
          Ahead. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(1):51-53.           while playing. On examination, a small reducible swelling
          Source of support: Nil                              was noticed in the right groin. She was diagnosed with
          Conflict of interest: None                          right-sided uncomplicated inguinal hernia and planned
                                                              for single-port laparoscopic surgery and PIRS under vision.
                                                                 Patient was given general anesthesia with endo-
          INTRODUCTION                                        tracheal tube intubation and pneumoperitoneum was
          Inguinal hernia surgery is performed in children quite  created with the help of Veress needle maintaining a pres-
          frequently. The classical and well-established approach  sure of 8 to 10 mm Hg. Trocar was introduced through
          is open herniotomy, necessitating a groin incision and  lower aspect of the umbilicus for camera and abdomen
          separating the sac from cord structures and ligating  inspected from inside. A defect of approximately 2 cm
          it at the internal ring. However, newer minimal inva-  was found on the right side lateral to the inferior epigas-
          sive techniques have evolved with time. Laparoscopic  tric artery and left internal ring was obliterated. Percu-
          repair of inguinal hernia in children was reported by  taneous purse string suturing of the right internal ring
          El-Gohary.  Laparoscopic approach uses three ports  was done under vision extraperitoneally with the help
          usually, but some experienced surgeons prefer two-port  of needle and a nonabsorbable 2/0 suture (Figs 1 to 3).
          approach, which requires intracorporeal ligation of the
          internal ring.

           1,2 Surgeon,  Anesthesiologist,  Senior Resident,  Radiologist
           1,2 Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital, Palampur, Himachal
           Pradesh, India
           3 Department  of Anesthesiology,  Civil  Hospital,  Palampur
           Himachal Pradesh, India
           4 Department of  Surgery, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government
           Medical College, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India
           5 Department of Radiology, Civil Hospital, Palampur, Himachal
           Pradesh, India

           Corresponding Author: Ankit Shukla, Surgeon, Department
           of Surgery, Civil Hospital, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India
                                                                         Fig. 1: Right inguinal hernia defect
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2018;11(1):51-53                             51
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