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Comparative Analysis of Surgical and Pathological Outcomes
            Table 3: Postoperative outcomes
                                                                        Laparoscopic-assisted   Open rectal

            Parameters                     Group                        rectal surgeries (LARS)  surgeries (ORS)  p value
            Morbidity incidence            Yes                          10 (29.4%)          11 (45.8%)    0.1999
                                           No                           24 (70.6%)          13 (54.2%)
            Major complications            Anastomotic leakage
                                             Yes                        4 (11.8%)           3 (12.5%)     0.9325
                                             No                         30 (88.2%)          21 (87.5%)    0.8011
                                           Intestinal obstruction
                                             Yes                        0 (0%)              1 (4.2%)      0.3611
                                             No                         34 (100%)           23 (95.8%)
                                           Wound dehiscence
                                             Yes                        0 (0%)              2 (8.3%)
                                             No                         34 (100%)           22 (91.7%)
            Minor complications            Wound infections
                                             Yes                        6 (17.6%)           9 (37.5%)     0.0890
                                             No                         28 (82.4%)          15 (62.5%)    0.9224
                                           Delayed urinary bladder emptying
                                             Yes                        6 (17.6%)           4 (16.7%)
                                             No                         28 (82.4%)          20 (83.3%)
            Time to first bowel movement   Days (range)                 1.5 (1–2.5)         2.4 (1.5–3)   0.3625
            Length of hospital stay        Mean ± SD (in days)          7.3 ± 2.13          11.5 ± 2.12   0.0511
            Mortality before 30 days of surgery  Yes                    1 (2.9%)            0 (0%)        0.8011
                                           No                           33 (97.1%)          24 (100%)

            Table 4: Pathological outcomes
                                                                        Laparoscopic-assisted   Open rectal
            Parameters                     Group                        rectal surgeries (LARS)  surgeries (ORS)  p value

            Histologic type                Adenocarcinoma               32 (94.1%)          24 (100%)     0.9363
                                           Adeno-squamous               1 (2.9%)            0 (0%)
                                           Melanoma                     1 (2.9%)            0 (0%)
            Grade                          Grade 1                      19 (55.9%)          10 (41.7%)    0.2860
                                           Grade 2                      14 (41.2%)          11 (45.8%)
                                           Grade 3                      1 (2.9%)            3 (12.5%)
            Effect of NACT                 Residual disease present absent  (23)            (18)          0.9704
                                                                        18 (78.2%)          14 (77.8%)
                                                                        5 (21.8%)           4 (22.2%)
            Circumferential resection margins (cm)  Positive (<1 mm)    1 (2.9%)            0 (0%)        0.9363
                                           Negative (>1 mm)             33 (97.1%)          24 (100%)
            Proximal resection margins (cm)  Positive                   0 (0%)              0 (0%)        0.8011
                                           Negative                     34 (100%)           24 (100%)
            Distal resection margins (cm)  Positive                     0 (0%)              1 (4.1%)      0.8011
                                           Negative                     34 (100%)           23 (95.8%)
            Number of lymph nodes harvested  Median (range)             10.8 (8–13)         12.6 (8–19)   0.1206
            Completeness of TME            In percentage                100%                100%          –

               In CLASICC trial, Guillou et al. randomized 794 patients with   with our results. In contrast to the CLASICC trial where both groups
            colorectal cancers.   Of these patients, 381 had rectal cancer   had a high rate of positive CRM (14% for open surgery and 16%
            and underwent a low anterior resection or an abdominoperineal   for laparoscopic surgery), among our study population, only one
            resection. Although laparoscopic procedures took longer time (180   patient of the laparoscopic group of patients had positive CRM
            vs 135 minutes), the patients in that group had earlier return of   when comparing open group patients.
            bowel (5 vs 6 days) and shorter hospital LOS (11 vs 13 days). The open   In the COREAN trial, Kang et al. enrolled 340 patients with locally
            and laparoscopic groups had no statistically significant difference   advanced (T3N0-2) rectal cancer.   All patients had undergone
            in the perioperative morbidity. These results are in concordance   neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy and were randomized to

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