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Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
            Table 2: The postoperative complications of the study population
                                          IPOM (N = 24)              TARM (N = 36)
                                             Group I                   Group II
                                       No            %            No            %             χ 2            p
             Seroma                     8           33.3          15           41.6          0.201          0.654
             Wound infection            2            8.3            3           8.3          0.433          0.511
             Mesh infection             0            0.0            1           2.7          0.690          0.406
             Recurrence                 2            8.3            2           5.6          0.062          0.804
             Bowel injury               0            0.0            0           0.0
             Ileus                      1            4.2            2           5.6          0.675          0.421
             Vascular complications     0            0.0            0           0.0

            Table 3: Postoperative follow-up data of both groups
                                               IPOM (N = 24)         TARM (N = 36)
             (mean ± SD)                         Group I               Group II              T               p
             Postoperative pain                 3.42 ± 0.51           3.44 ± 0.51          0.145            0.885
             Hospital stay (hours)              26.0 ± 6.93           28.0 ± 9.2           0.640            0.527
             Return to normal activity (days)   3.08 ± 1.0            3.39 ± 1.61          0.584            0.564

            Table 4: Analysis of hospital cost of the case of each procedure  and clinical researches, it was concluded that TARM placement of
                                                               prolene mesh is a cost-effective available option and has a reduced
             Variables                IPOM ($)  TARM ($)  p
                                                               rate of postoperative formation of adhesions. 27,28
             Equipment cost            1,900     1,000  0.001     This current study was conducted to assess and compare the
             Theater cost               250       250     –    outcomes of two laparoscopic procedures of LVHR composing of
                                                               TARM and IPOM placement of mesh. The cases were randomly
             Ward cost/night            650       650     –
                                                               divided into two groups; group I patients were operated by IPOM
             Cost of anesthesia         280       310    0.23  procedure and group II patients were operated by TARM placement
             The mean cost of the inpatient  3,080  2,210  0.041  of mesh.
                                                                  In this study, the ventral hernia with defect size 39.31 ± 20.23
                                                               mm represented in the cases of both groups. Epigastric hernias were
            dIscussIon                                         true hernias with defect size in the range of 20–60 mm in diameter
            The ventral hernias are a group of hernias affecting the abdominal.   with no significant difference statistically between the two groups.
            Repair surgeries of these hernias stay one of the most frequently   Prasad et al. reported that there was no difference in the mean
            performed operations with more than 350,000 achieved/year in the   fascial defect size (30.8 cm ± 24.4 cm vs 29.9 cm ± 22.0 cm, p = 0.78)
            US. These hernias carry the risk of bowel ischemia and strangulation,   and the mean size of mesh (237.8 cm ± 66.8 c, vs 240.3 cm ± 98.2
            which can lead to serious consequences, In addition to the aesthetic   cm, p = 0.84) used in both techniques. 29
            detriment of the hernia. 22                           In the study between our hands, the mean operative time of
               Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair has many advantages over   LVHR by IPOM was (82 minutes) which was significantly shorter
            the open approach mainly due to reduced wound complication   than that of laparoscopic TARM repair (115 minutes) (p = 0.002,
            rates and faster recovery. Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair uses   statistically significant). The explanation for the longer duration
            different prosthetic meshes, which are put either intraperitoneally   associated with TARM is the need for the creation of peritoneal flaps
            IPOM or in retromuscular space TARM. Laparoscopic ventral hernia   in the retromuscular space and closure over the mesh by resuturing
            repair is growing rapidly to be a standard technique worldwide due   of the flaps after mesh fixation. Inspite of higher operating time,
            to the low rate of recurrence and all the advantages of laparoscopic   TARM procedure is economical because of the use of cheap prolene
            surgery. 23,24                                     mesh, but IPOM procedure involves the use of expensive composite
               In spite of the marvelous results of LVHR, many experimental   meshes.
            and clinical researches have noticed complications resulting from   This came in agreement with a study  who reported that the
            the procedure of IPOM when using prolene mesh. It had a rising rate   operative time is longer in TARM group was statistically significant
            of complications which were a statistically significant issue. They   longer than in IPOM group (p = 0.001). This also came in accordance
            included formation of adhesions, small intestinal obstruction, and   with Shetty et al. who showed that the mean operative time in the
            fistula formation. 25,26                           TARM group was 105 ± 19.8 minutes vs 89.5 ± 26.4 minutes in the
               The omental interface can diminish or prevent the adhesion of   IPOM group with statistically significant difference between the
            viscera to prolene mesh. However, in the case series of reoperated   two groups. 30
            patients, they revealed that one-third of the cases had dense   On the other hand, Gokcal et al. showed that there was no
            adhesion to prolene mesh. Depending on the results of experimental   difference in terms of operative times in their cohort studies

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