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            Simultaneous Management of Retrocaval Ureter with

            Ipsilateral Renal Stone Disease: Single Center Experience

            Chandrakant Munjewar , Priyanka Rai , Amarjot Singh , Sanjeet Singh , Sanjay Bhatt , Alok Srivastava 6
             Aim: To report our experience in managing retrocaval ureter and ipsilateral renal stone disease.
             Materials and methods: Till now we have managed five such cases. Physical examination and laboratory investigations were unremarkable in
             all patients. Ultrasonography revealed right moderate hydronephrosis and a single upper calyceal stone in two, inferior calyceal calculus in two,
             and a pelvic calculus in one patient. A CT urography and Tc-99m diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid (DTPA) scan were done in all patients.
             In all patients, the renal scan was suggestive of reduced function with a right obstructed drainage pattern.
             Results: All patients were managed successfully by a combined laparoscopic and endourological approach. No intraoperative or major
             postoperative complications were noted. On follow-up renal scan done at 1 year, all patients had unobstructed drainage and improved or
             stable split function.
             Conclusion:  Combined laparoscopic and endourologic approach is the adequate modality of treatment of patients with obstructed retrocaval
             ureter with ipsilateral renal calculi.
             Keywords: Laparoscopy, Retrocaval ureter, Stone disease.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2022): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1504

            IntroductIon                                       1 Department of Urology, Sagar Shree Hospital and Research Institute,
            Retrocaval ureter is a rare congenital anomaly of the upper urinary   Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
            tract. It is more common in males with 2.8-fold male predominance   2,3,5 Department of General Surgery, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of
            with a reported incidence of approximately 1 in 1,100.  It was   Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
            first observed and reported by Hochstetter in 1893.  It usually   4,6 Department of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Dr Ram Manohar
            presents with symptoms in the third and fourth decades of life,   Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
            due to obstruction leading to hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis   Corresponding Author: Alok Srivastava, Department of Urology and
            may be a result of pressure on the ureter at the kinked site, an   Renal  Transplantation, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical
            adynamic segment, or compression on the retrocaval part against   Sciences,  Lucknow,  Uttar  Pradesh,  India,  Phone:  +91-9935699433,
            the psoas muscle.  The course of the retrocaval ureter is variable   e-mail:
            and is classified on intravenous urography as type I having   How to cite this article: Munjewar C, Rai P, Singh A, et al. Simultaneous
            S-shaped, fish hook or J-shaped or type II having sickle-shaped   Management of Retrocaval Ureter with Ipsilateral Renal Stone Disease:
            retrocaval course, a lesser common form and associated with a   Single Center Experience. World J Lap Surg 2022;15(2):127–130.
            mild degree of hyderonephrosis.  The usual management in   Source of support: Nil
            symptomatic individuals is mobilization of the ureter all along   Conflict of interest: None
            its course usually till the pelvic brim including the retrocaval part
            and then performing a ureteroureterostomy.  In patients with a
            retrocaval ureter along with the presence of renal calculi, it is a   most common presenting feature. It was intermittent in nature and
            clinical dilemma whether to treat the renal calculus alone or to treat   relieved by analgesics. One male and one female had a history of
            the ureteral obstruction also. There is a paucity of the literature   recurrent episodes of a UTI. There was no significant finding on
            describing simultaneous laparoscopic/endoscopic management   clinical examination of the abdomen. Blood investigations including
            of renal calculi in the presence of a retrocaval ureter. Till now we   renal function test, general blood picture, and electrolytes were
            have managed five cases of the obstructed retrocaval ureter with   within normal limits. Ultrasonography, CT urography, and diuretic
            ipsilateral renal stone disease. We are discussing our cases of the   renal scan (Tc-99m diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid, DTPA)
            retrocaval ureter (type I) with obstructive drainage and renal calculi   were done for all patients (Table 1).
            which were successfully managed with the combined endoscopic
            and laparoscopic approach.                         operAtIve technIque
                                                               Informed consent was taken by all patients. Cystoscopy and right
            MAterIAls And Methods                              retrograde pyelography were performed, which showed findings
            Between August 2012 and January 2020, five patients (three males   suggestive of the right retrocaval ureter. A 6-F ureteric catheter was
            and two females) were operated on for type I retrocaval ureter   negotiated in the right ureter and with some difficulty, it could be
            with obstructive drainage and renal calculi. The median age of   negotiated till the right renal pelvis. In one of the patients who had
            patients was 38 years (19–45 years). Pain in the right flank was the   a 2.2 cm inferior calyceal stone, percutaneous nephrolithotomy

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
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