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            Rare Case of Ovarian Preserving Surgery in Unmarried

            Woman with a Case of U/L Salpingo-oophorectomy

            and Its Management: Oophoropexy

            Sowmya Koteshwara , Deepika Bohra 2

             Ovarian torsion is one of the common gynecological emergency occurring in women during reproductive age. Here, we are presenting a case
             of 19-year-old unmarried young girl who came with complaints of pain in abdomen associated with vomiting. She had a history of left-sided
             ovarian torsion for which she underwent laparoscopic left salpingo–oophorectomy. She underwent right-sided oophoropexy for recurrent torsion.
             Keywords: Adnexal torsion, Oophoropexy, Ovarian torsion, Salpingo-oophorectomy.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2022): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1508

                                                               1,2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, JSS Academy of Higher
            Ovarian torsion is rotation/twisting of the ovary along its   Education and Research Center, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
            ligamentous supports causing interrupted blood supply and   Corresponding Author: Deepika Bohra, Department of Obstetrics and
            sometimes, ischemia and necrosis. Traditionally, ovarian torsion was   Gynecology, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research Center,
            managed with salpingo-oophorectomy, mainly because conserving   Mysuru, Karnataka, India, Phone: +91 8095713434, e-mail: drdeeps8@
            ischemic adnexa was considered a risk factor for thromboembolic
            sequel. Later, it is known that the risk of embolic events is low and   How to cite this article: Koteshwara S, Bohra D. Rare Case of Ovarian
            because ischemic adnexa regain follicular activity, recent studies   Preserving Surgery in Unmarried Woman with a Case of U/L Salpingo-
            advocate conservative treatment of ovarian torsion in pre-pubertal   oophorectomy and Its Management: Oophoropexy. World J Lap Surg
            and young women.  Detorsion and oophoropexy is a conservative   2022;15(2):167–169.
            surgical approach that should be planned in all young women   Source of support: Nil
            with ovarian torsion. Oophoropexy for ovarian torsion is easy   Conflict of interest: None
            procedure and can be done either by suturing ovary to, plication of
            ovarian ligament, lateral pelvic wall, or even fixing to the posterior
            uterine wall. 2                                    vascularity, minimal ascites noted, left ovary was not visualized
                                                               (postoperative status). The uterus anteverted, normal size, no free
            cAse descrIptIon                                   fluid in pouch of Douglas (POD) and was diagnosed with right-sided
                                                               ovarian cyst with torsion. The patient was taken for laparoscopy
            A 19-year-old unmarried young girl came with complaints of the   which showed normal sized uterus, left-side tube and ovary were
            lower abdominal pain in the last 1 day, which was progressive in   not visualized (postop status), right side tube and ovarian torsion
            nature, associated with five episodes of vomiting.   noted, congested, necrotic with minimal areas of healthy tissue.
               No complaints of dysmenorrhea, white discharge per vagina,   Right ovarian detorsion and ovarian plication was done under
            burning micturition or increased frequency of micturition, or loose   spinal anesthesia.
            stools. The girl attained menarche at the age of 15 years; LMP =   Post-surgery scan done on day 3 showed right adnexal well-
            20 days back. The past cycles were regular, lasting for 3–4 days at   defined heteroechoic lesion measuring 6.3 cm × 4.4 cm with
            interval of 30 days, moderate flow, associated with mild pain and   multiple peripherally arranged follicles and central echogenic
            no clots.                                          stroma, minimal peripheral vascularity present, and central
               The patient gives similar history in the past and was told to have   vascularity in the ovary on color Doppler noted.
            left-sided ovarian torsion for which she underwent laparoscopic   The patient resumed her normal menstrual cycle after 2 months
            left salpingo–oophorectomy 3 years back. On examination, her   of the procedure and was followed up for 1 year. The scan was
            vitals were stable. There is no pallor, pedal edema. The abdominal   repeated after 6 months which showed healthy right ovary and
            examination elicited tenderness in right iliac fossa, no ascites, the   tube (Figs 1 to 4).
            previous surgical scar+, healthy, no organomegaly.
               Ultrasound was done and showed right adnexal well-defined
            heteroechoic lesion measuring 7.5 cm × 5.7 cm × 5.8 cm with multiple   dIscussIon
            peripherally arranged follicles and central echogenic stroma,   Adnexal torsion is a common condition among gynecological
            peripheral vascularity noted on color Doppler, right ovary was not   emergencies. The rate of recurrence in postmenarchal women is
            visualized separately, adjacent broad ligament showed an increased   high mainly due to hyper-mobile or elongated ovarian ligaments,

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
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