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Diagnostic Lap in NCPA
            appendectomy was done in all of them. In a study by Ahmad et al.,   machinery, the morbidity of laparoscopy is much less and not, and
            appendicular pathology was present in 32.9% of cases and in a study   with improved skills, conversion rates should be low.
            by Ates et al., 47.2% of patients were diagnosed with appendicitis. 18
               In a study by Fayez et al.,  records of chronic abdominal pain   conclusIon
            undergoing appendectomy were reviewed; 92% of patient’s
            appendices had abnormal histological findings and the 95%   DL should be considered as one of the gold standard test for
            of patients had resolution of pain. Raymond et al.  reported   diagnosing the NCPA, when noninvasive diagnostic modality
            improvement of pain in 74% of patients with chronic right lower   failed in diagnosing cause. It can prevent the delay in definitive
            abdominal pain.                                    diagnosis and negative laparotomies in these cases. It has
               In our study, out of 62 patients, 21 (33.87%) patients who   diagnostic, therapeutic use and in some cases can have placebo
            underwent appendectomy for NCPA, in that 20 (95.23%) patient’s   effect as well.
            HPE revealed as recurrent appendicitis, in these patient’s pain was
            resolved, one (4.76%) patient HPE revealed as normal appendix; in   references
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