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Nonbiliary Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
series we had managed three cases of access-related complications. conclusIon
Two colonic and one inferior vena cava. Both the colonic injuries
were dealt immediately by doing laparotomy and repair of colonic Nonbiliary injuries are not uncommon after laparoscopic
laceration. There was uneventful outcome in both the cases. Inferior cholecystectomy and are of significant severity. Adherence to basic
vena cava injury patient was a young male. He sustained injury to principles of laparoscopic surgery with proper attention in creating
inferior vena cava during primary port placement in a peripheral pneumoperitoneum and meticulous dissection reduces the
hospital. Despite immediate laparotomy by primary surgical team chances of complication. Early detection followed by therapeutic
and re exploration at our center, patient succumbed secondary to intervention can help to reduce morbidity and mortality.
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Roviaro et al. in a review
of literature on major vascular injuries during laparoscopic surgery references
has quoted high mortality rate associated with this complication. 1. Rajdeep S, Robin SK, Rajeev SK, et al. Non-biliary mishaps during
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