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            Nonbiliary Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy:

            A Single-center Experience

            Mohit Sharma , Rachhpal Singh 2

             Aim: Bile duct injury is an important complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Nonbiliary injuries after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
             can be fatal and source of considerable morbidity. In this study we intend to highlight the importance of nonbiliary complications sustained
             during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and their outcome.
             Materials and methods: The study is analysis of patients managed in our unit with post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy nonbiliary complications
             from June 2010 to December 2018. Inclusion criteria—nonbiliary complications. Exclusion criteria—cases of bile duct injury, cases of surgical
             site infection, trocar-site hernia.
             Results: A total of nine patients with nonbiliary complications were managed. Mean age of the patients was 51.1 years (range 38–65). There
             were five males and four females. Nonbiliary injuries were categorized into access-related and procedure-related complications. Three cases
             (two colonics, one inferior vena cava) were access related. Six cases (five duodenal, one ileal) were procedure related.
             Conclusion: Nonbiliary injuries are of significant severity. Adequate attention in creating pneumoperitoneum and meticulous dissection helps
             in preventing complication. Timely detection and early therapeutic intervention can help reduce morbidity and mortality.
             Keywords: Complications, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Nonbiliary injuries.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2019): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1367


            Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard of care for   1,2 Department of Surgery, Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical
            symptomatic cholelithiasis. The bile duct injury during laparoscopic   Sciences and Research, Amritsar, Punjab, India
            cholecystectomy is a well-known complication. The nonbiliary   Corresponding Author: Mohit Sharma, Department of Surgery, Sri
            injuries do occur with equally significant severity but tend to   Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar,
            be underreported in literature.  Nonbiliary complications can   Punjab, India, Phone:  +91 9814651788, e-mail: drmohit.gis@gmail.
            be procedure related or access related. This study describes our   com
            experience in managing nonbiliary complications after laparoscopic   How to cite this article: Sharma M, Singh R. Nonbiliary Complications
            cholecystectomy. Various aspects like clinical presentation,   of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Single-center Experience. World J
            severity, management and outcome has been discussed. Our study   Lap Surg 2019;12(2):49–52.
            emphasis the need to prevent such complications, which are cause   Source of support: Nil

            of significant morbidity and mortality.            Conflict of interest: None
            MAterIAls And Methods

            This study is retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data   in our own unit (one colonic, one duodenal, one ileum), rest six cases
            of patients with post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy complications.   were referred from other hospitals.
            The study included patients sustaining injury while operated in our   The nonbiliary complications in decreasing order of frequency
            hospital and also those who were operated in other hospitals and   were duodenal (five cases), colonic (two cases), ileal (one case),
            were referred to us once the injury was detected. Inclusion criteria—  inferior vena cava (one case). Three cases (two colonics, one inferior
            nonbiliary complications. Exclusion criteria—cases of bile duct injury,   cava) were secondary to trocar insertion. Six cases (five duodenal,
            cases of surgical site infection, trocar site hernia. From June 2010 to   one ileal) occurred during dissection.
            December 2018, a total of 60 patients with post-cholecystectomy
            complications were managed in our unit. Of these 60 patients, 51   Access-related Injuries
            were of biliary tract injury and 9 were nonbiliary injuries. Nonbiliary   Colon Injury
            injuries were further categorized into access-related complications,   First case was 50 years old male. He sustained injury to transverse
            procedure-related complications. Complete record of these nine   colon during insertion of first trocar in a city nursing home. Our
            patients were reviewed. Relevant points like difficulties encountered   team was called upon as rescue surgeons. Immediate laparotomy
            during surgery, conversion to laparotomy (done or not), clinical   and repair of colon injury was done. He had uneventful outcome.
            presentation, timing of referral, treatment and outcome were noted.  Second case was 44 years old female. She had h/o abdominal
            results                                            sepsis following open hysterectomy in the past. Transverse colon
                                                               got injured during insertion of first trocar. Immediate laparotomy,
            Mean age of the patients was 51.1 (38–65 years). There were five   repair of  colonic  laceration was done. She had uneventful
            males and four females. Three cases of nonbiliary injuries occurred   outcome (Table 1).

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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