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REVIEW ARTICLE                                Common Bile Duct Injuries During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

            Common Bile Duct Injuries During Laparoscopic


            BV Sridhar Varma
            General Surgeon and Endoscopist, Neela Nursing Home, Bhadrachalam, Khammam, Andhra Pradesh, India

              Iatrogenic common bile duct injuries are the worst complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The goal of this study is to increase
              awareness of the problem and educate surgeons about the consequences and proper management of these injuries. Cholecystectomy
              is the most common gastrointestinal operation performed. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was first performed by Erich Muhe in 1985
              in Germany. In 1987 laparoscopically complete removal of GB was performed by Mourat in Lyon, France. The widespread acceptance
              of laparoscopic cholecystectomy was based on anticipated reduction in postoperative pain, minimal tissue injury intraoperatively and
              early return to work. It has now become a gold standard for the treatment for GB stone in experience and safe hand.
                Many articles source that soon after introduction, how it became clear that laparoscopic cholecystectomy was associated with unique
              complication of higher rate of CBD injures compared with open cholecystectomy. Highest rates of CBD injuries where reported in early
              1990s when laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced, suggesting a learning curve effect. In a review by Strasburg et al and Roslyl
              et al, the incidence of billiary injuries during open cholecystectomy was found 0.2-0.3%. The review by Strasburg et al in 1995 of more
              than 124000 laparoscopic cholecystectomies reported in literature found the incidence of major bile duct injuries to be 0.5%. Even as the
              surgeon passed through learning curve and has reached “steady-state” and there has been no significant improvement in the incidence
              of billiary duct injuries. The impact of major CBD injuries is staggering to both the patient and health care system.
              Keywords: CBD injury, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, complication of laparoscopy.

            INTRODUCTION                                       complication, long-term detrimental effect of bilduct injuries.
                                                               The 15 no of quality citations reviewed were selected for these
            Article study shows that about 95% bile injuries are minor and  reviews.
            were irrelevant to patients out come and only 5% were major  The criteria for selection was the following:
            and almost always required a technologically demanding and  1. At least 40 cases should be included the study especially
            expensive operative reconstruction of billiary tree. Inspitet of  for complicated cases.
            proper diagnosis and treatment of major bile duct injuries  2. Method of analysis: Retrospective analysis.
            mortality rate was found to be10-12%.               3. Type of procedure: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using
               As noted by WHO in 1947 health is not limited to absence
                                                                  four port.
            of disease, fulfill of physical, mental, and social well-being,  4. The institution were the procedure was practice (preference
            therefore the extent to which a procedure and disease process  for those specialist for laparoscopic surgery).
            impact the physical, psychologies and social aspect of patient  5. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy practice: In all studies
            life and filling of well-being. Therefore to truly access a patient  laparoscopy.
            out come after CBD injury one must not measure the usual  6. Cholecystectomy was performed with a standard technique
            objective clinical outcome, but also evaluate the patients  using four ports.
            subjective health related quality of life.          7. Creation of pneumoperitoneum with CO .
               In most of study it was found health related quality of life                       2
            and time to returned to work among the patients who had CBD  8. Insertion of port followed by diagnostic laparoscopic.
                                                                9. Holding the funduss by assistant through four ports.
            injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and under went  10. Dissections of visceral peritoneum.
            treatment at secondary and tertiary center, out comes were  11. Dissections of Calot’s triangle and homeostasis maintain
            compared with those under went uncomplicated laparoscopic  by using various type of energized instrument.
                                                               12. Clipping and division of cystic duct and artery.
                                                               13. Dissection of GB from liver bad.
                                                               14. Extraction of GB and any spilled stone.
            A literature search was performed using Google, Yahoo,  15. Irrigation of suction of operating field.
            Springer link, Highwire press and the following search terms  16. Final diagnosis laparoscopy.
            were used. Iatrogenic bile duct injuries, common bileduct injuries  17. Removal of instrument with complete exist of CO .
            during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, postcholecystectomy  18. Closure of wound.
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):15-18                         15
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