Page 4 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
P. 4

Amir Keshvari

            then returned it to the peritoneal cavity by pushing it back  formation.  Without consideration of the cause of clot
            through tissue tract and put it again into the deep pelvis  formation, clot removal by a safe method, may avoid catheter
            under vision of laparoscopy. Catheter function is tested using  removal or replacement.
            a 0.5-L bag of normal saline to demonstrate rapid inflow  Rapid flushing of the catheter by normal saline mixed
            and out flow. After drainage of insufflated gas, removal of  with heparin and push-and-suck maneuver often used in
            the laparoscopic ports is delayed until a satisfactory irrigation  attempting to push the intraluminal clot but do not always
            test of the catheter has been achieved. The fascia of the  reliably clear PD catheter of fibrin deposited in the lumen.
            port sites is not ordinarily repaired. Skin wounds are closed  Streptokinase is used to clear obstructed catheters by
            with nonabsorbable sutures material. Peritoneal dialysis is  clot from 1969  and there is many reports about it, 19,20  but
            generally started at second postoperative day.     streptokinase is not usable for many patients like those having
                                                               a predisposition to bleeding, a platelet count less than
            RESULTS                                            100,000/cu mm, prolonged prothrombin or partial
                                                               thromboplastin times, serious infection around the catheter,
            A total of 14 laparoscopic ECCE procedures for clot removal
            were performed for 14 consecutive patients. The mean  known allergy to streptokinase, recent Streptococcal
                                                               infection, or streptokinase therapy in the previous six
            patient age was 57.64 years (rang 21 to 75) and male to  months.  Urokinase is also effective in clearing clotted
            female ratio was 4:3. All catheters were swan-neck, coiled-  4
            tip. Previous implantation procedures in 9 patients were  catheters.  It lacks the risk of allergic reactions that may
            laparoscopic and in 5 patients was open surgery. The  occur with streptokinase. Manipulation of the catheter using
            procedure was possible in 5 cases by one trocar and other  malleable stainless steel wire under fluoroscopic guidance
                                                               have been reported as a successful procedure which achieved
            cases need to another additional trocar. In 6 patients, the
            pathologic problem of the catheter was just intraluminal  48 to 65% catheter function success rate, however, this
            fibrin clot (IFC). Five patients had intestinal entrapment  technique required sedation of patients because the stiff
            (IE), 2 patients had adhesion of the catheter to the fallopian  wire caused discomfort, and there is potential risk of bowel
            tube and 1 patient has tip migration as well as IFC.  damage with the stiff wire.
                                                                  Clot removal using endoscopic channel—cleaning brush
               In all cases, the clot was successfully extracted using                           9,10
            the method described herein. Inflow and outflow of all the  under fluoroscopic control is suggested.   Although, it is
            catheters was excellent at the end of operation. One patient  smoothly rounded tip would be unlikely to cause trauma to
            was dead at day 6 due to sepsis and in another patient the  the abdominal contents, but it is a possibility, particularly if
            catheter was removed due to nontolerance at day 20. Eight  the brush was accidentally advanced beyond the end of the
                                                               catheter into the peritoneal cavity. The other concern is the
            of catheters were nonfunctional before day 20. Long-term
            function of the catheter was achieved in 4 patients.  possibility of dislodgement of bristles of the brush in to the
                                                               peritoneal cavity. According to our experience for clot
                                                               removal in our first patient with endoscopy brush, under
                                                               vision of laparoscopy intracorporeal clot extrusion was very
            In a review of literatures which published from 1999 to  difficult and time wasting.
            2008, about rescue procedure for malfunctioning peritoneal  Laparoscopic clot extrusion has many advantages: It
            dialysis catheters, the rate of intraluminal fibrin clot as a  allow direct examination of the catheter and whole peritoneal
            cause of mechanical obstruction, was reported between  cavity.
            0 to 60%. 14-18  In our experience according to this study,  It is highly accurate to confirm the diagnosis of
            the rate is 30% (15 from 50).                      intraluminal fibrin clot as a cause of malfunction of the
               It is not clearly determined the exact causes of fibrin  catheter before using any procedure for rescue it and prevent
            clot formation in the lumen of the peritoneal dialysis catheter.  performance of unnecessary interventions. It enable
            Peritonitis, intraperitoneal bleeding, visceral entrapment or  diagnosis of other accompanying pathology and treatment
            adhesion to the catheter, delay in the use of the catheter  other surgical problems in the same operations.
            after its implantation and compression of the catheter by  Some disadvantages for using laparoscopy in PD catheter
            adjacent organs are described as predisposing factor of clot  implantation or management of malfunctioning catheters

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