Page 2 - WJOLS - Laparoscopic Journal
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Hysteroscopy and Assissted Reproductive Technology


            We are now here with third year of publication of World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery. I am also very
            happy to inform that World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery is indexed in the Index Copernicus Journal
            Master List. The list of indexed journals, with information about current ICV score, is published once a
               The 8th edition of the Index Copernicus Journals Master List includes over 2,500 journals from all
            over the world, presenting the current Index Copernicus factor. By active promotion of journals it not
            only enables nonindexed journals (i.e. those not in Index Medicus/Medline or Current Contents) to reach
            a wider audience, but also expands their scope world-wide. World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons
            is dedicated to medical education, clinical research and skill improvement. It is committed to the
            dissemination of the technical and scientific exchange of knowledge amongst the various European and Asian countries in the
            fields of Minimal Access Surgery.
               World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons has also organized 2nd World Congress of Laparoscopic Surgeons on 14th and
            15th of February 2010. This World Congress was approved by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and
            financially supported by Medical Council of India. Delegates from 22 countries have participated in this conference and live
            surgeries were performed including single incision laparoscopic surgery.
               As the Editor-in-Chief of World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, it will be my duty to lead our organization for the coming
            years. We will continue to strive hard to update our knowledge and information on Minimal Access Surgery and pass on the same
            to our members for their benefit.
               The other area will be to develop cooperation with major other European and American Societies such as SAGES and EAES.
            The WALS will work hard to strengthen its journal and increase the distribution through joint ventures.
               We believe that it is of vital importance to our readers that such information be made available. We believe also that a
            professional journal is the best place to share such information. Your contribution would be most welcome.

                                                                                                       RK Mishra

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