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                A Comparative Study of the use of Different Energy Sources in Laparoscopic Management of Endometriosis-Associated Infertility

          peritoneal washing is given and hemostasis achieved. The ovary  it and then control hemostasis using bipolar electrocoagulation.
          is left unsutured since sutures can cause adhesion formation.  Monopolar electrocoagulation must be avoided because of the
          However, when necessary, suture is placed within ovarian  risks of accidents and complete coagulation of the ovarian
          stroma and the knot is tied inside the ovary to minimize adhesion  vascularization.
          formation. Alternatively, biological glue can be applied and  Laser Vaporization of Endometrioma
          edges of the incision brought together.
             Draining the endometrioma or partially removing its wall is  The endometrioma is opened, aspirated and washed. It is then
          inadequate because the cyst lining remains functional leading  largely incised to evert the internal layer which is destroyed by
          to reoccurrence of the symptoms. Two randomized controlled  vaporization with a CO  laser, introduced through the
          trials reported that laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for  laparoscope. The results are apparently equivalent with different
          endometriomata results in a better pregnancy rate than drainage  types of lasers, but Argon or KTP lasers induce less bleeding
          alone. 30,31                                        and are easier to use since they can travel through flexible
             Another advantage of excision over ablation is that the  fibers. This is easily done with small cysts (< 3 cm), but in cases
          cyst can be examined histologically and a diagnosis of ovarian  of larger cysts it is impossible to be sure that all the internal
          cancer excluded.                                    layer has been destroyed.
          Hemorrhage: Any bleeding from the intraovarian vasculature  Rectovaginal Septum and Uterosacral
          is minimal and is self-controlled within a few minutes.  Ligaments Endometriosis
          Hemorrhage from the hilus may occur during the dissection of  Deep endometriosis exists when the lesions penetrate 5 mm or
          the inferior pole of the cyst. This can be difficult to locate. The  more.  In addition to pain, most of these patients suffer from
          immediate solution is to evert the entire ovary in order to localize  associated infertility. Operative laparoscopy for these lesions

           Fig. 3. Flimsy adhesions can be directly cut by sharp dissection  Fig. 5: Puncture of endometriotic cyst using monopolar with tritome
                              with scissors                          for drainage and aspiration of the cyst contents

          Fig. 4. Excision of the endometriotic cyst wall can be done with monopolar  Fig. 6: Stripping of the cyst capsule from ovarian cortex
          current using electrosurgical hook, or the vibrating jaw of the harmonic
          scalpel or bipolar coagulation, followed by sharp dissection with scissors

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2011;4(2):89-95                                  93
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