Page 20 - Journal of WALS
P. 20

Puneet K Kochhar, Pranay Ghosh

                used with flexible fibers. However, they are more  endometriotic implants does not affect all factors by which
                expensive.                                    endometriosis contributes to infertility. 23
                   The best therapy is performed with the CO  laser  Adamson  in 1997 proposed that surgery for endometriosis-
                vaporization in association with an accurate dissection  associated infertility is more effective for severe than mild
                technique. 7                                  endometriosis.
          •  Tissue response electrosurgical generator (Ligasure™):
             This has unique vessel sealing ability. It can be used on  Adhesions
             vessels up to 7 mm. It precisely confines its effects to the  Adhesiolysis is difficult in cases of endometriosis. Adhesions
             target tissue with virtually no charring, and with minimal  are thick and vascular, and often involve bowel, broad ligament,
             thermal spread to adjacent tissue. It senses body’s collagen  tubes, etc. Different techniques can be employed individually
             to actually change the nature of the vessel walls by  or in association. The best method involves dissection with
             obliterating the lumen.                          forceps and/or dissectors, and aquadissection in conjunction
                                                              with a CO  laser (in place of scissors) (Figs 2 and 3).
          ASSOCIATED INFERTILITY                              Endometriomas
          Endometriotic Implants                              There are two different surgical techniques to treat the
          The destruction of implants can be achieved using numerous  endometrioma:
          techniques: Precise excision, bipolar coagulation, monopolar  i.  Cystectomy with excision of the endometriotic cyst (Fig. 4)
          coagulation, CO  laser vaporization or excision, and different  ii. Drainage/aspiration of the cyst content and ablation of the
          methods of coagulation using other types of laser. Superficial  cyst capsule with laser or electrocoagulation (Figs 5 and 6).
          peritoneal endometriosis is vaporized with the laser, coagulated
          with monopolar or bipolar current or excised. Implants less than  Cystectomy
          2 mm can be coagulated, vaporized or excised. When lesion is  Any periovarian adhesions must be removed prior to
          greater than 3 mm, vaporization or excision is needed. Lesions  cystectomy. An entry site is made in the endometrioma on the
          greater than 5 mm must be excised or deeply vaporized  (Fig. 1).  opposite side of the ovarian hilus. The endometrioma is
             Current guidelines for the treatment of stages I and II  evacuated and repeatedly washed. A ‘cystoscopy’ is then
          endometriosis-associated infertility recommend ablation of  performed by introducing the laparoscope into the
          endometriosis lesions plus adhesiolysis to improve fertility. 25,26  endometriotic cavity. The inner lining of the cyst is examined to
          The beneficial effect of surgical removal of the lesions in mild  confirm the diagnosis and to eliminate the presence of a
          endometriosis is small and may be short-lived. This may be  malignant cyst. A forceps is used to grasp the ovary at the
          due to the fact that a number of occult lesions may be left  edge of the incision. A second pair of grasping forceps holds
          behind after removal of the visible lesions. These may develop  the lining of the cyst. Then, by applying countertraction to the
          into minimal endometriosis and grow further.        two forceps, cleavage is performed. Generally, the best approach
             Thus, the optimal time for conception is within the first  is to pull the cyst away from the ovary.
          18 months following surgical resection.  However, even after  When the cyst has been completely cleaved, it must be
          surgery, the monthly fecundity rate remains lower than that in  removed from the abdomen using an ‘endoscopy bag’ or
          fertile women. This suggests that the destruction of visible  through a suprapubic trocar or the umbilical trocar. A thorough

            Fig. 1: Endometriotic implants can be excised with scissors or  Fig. 2: Dense adhesions may be vascular and are coagulated with
                 deeply vaporized with bipolar or harmonic scalpel       bipolar electrocautery before cutting

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