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           REVIEW ARTICLE                     Advances in Minimal Access Surgery in the Surgical Staging of Carcinoma Endometrium

                Advances in Minimal Access Surgery in the

              Surgical Staging of Carcinoma Endometrium

                                                    Jayasree Santhosh
                              Specialist, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Royal Hospital, Muscat, Oman


             The concept of minimal access surgery for gynecologic malignancies has gone from a perceived near impossibility to a fully
             recognized option for many patients over the past 10 years. This article reviews the different minimal access techniques used for
             surgical staging of carcinoma endometrium, their outcome, feasibility and safety in comparison to conventional staging laparotomy.
             After review of literature, it is concluded that laparoscopic and robotic-assisted procedures are acceptable and safer alternatives to
             traditional laparotomy in the staging of carcinoma endometrium, especially in obese women. Long-term outcome reports for robotic
             surgery is awaited.
             Keywords: Carcinoma endometrium, Laparoscopy, Robotic surgery, Surgical staging.

          INTRODUCTION                                        published comparing the surgical, pathologic and quality of life
                                                              and survival outcomes for conventional laparotomy and the
          Endometrial carcinoma is one of the most common gynecological  two minimally invasive treatment modalities for endometrial
          malignancies in women. It is expected to become more common  cancer—laparoscopy and robotics. This article compares the
          as the prevalence of obesity, one of the major risk factors of  different modalities of surgical staging in carcinoma
          endometrial carcinoma increases worldwide. 1        endometrium, the advances in minimal access surgery in this
             Surgical management is the mainstay of initial treatment for  context, its relevance and safety.
          most patients and is usually curative.
             Comprehensive surgical staging includes total    OBJECTIVES
          hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, pelvic and para  The objective of this article is to review the advances in minimal
          aortic lymphadenectomy and pelvic cytology. This has been  access surgery in the surgical staging of carcinoma endometrium
          shown to define the biology of disease and guides the use of  and to compare the outcome of the different modalities of
          postoperative adjuvant therapy. 2                   surgical treatment in patients with carcinoma endometrium.
              Regarding the therapeutic role of lymphadenectomy in
          women with disease that clinically seems to be confined to the  MATERIALS AND METHODS
          uterus, there has been much debate. Although lymphadenec-  Articles published regarding the methods of surgical staging in
          tomy forms part of the International Federation of Gynecology  carcinoma endometrium for a period of 10 years from January
          and Obstetrics (FIGO) surgical staging system,  evidence from  2001 to date were reviewed. The extensive electronic search
          a large randomized controlled trial. A study in the treatment of  included Medline, PubMed, Cochrane library, HighWire press,
          endometrial cancer (ASTEC) showed that this approach does  SAGES website, Google search engine, Yahoo search engine
          not provide therapeutic benefit.  Inspite of debates, surgical  and SpringerLink Journal Electronic Library.
          treatment and staging are performed according to the FIGO 5
          staging system and American Joint Committee on Cancer. 6  REVIEW OF LITERATURE
             Comprehensive surgical staging is technically difficult in  Regardless of preoperative grade, our management goal in
          obese patients with comorbidities which is the usual clinical  endometrial cancer is comprehensive staging, to include pelvic
          picture in endometrial cancer. Limiting surgical morbidity while  washings, hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and
          maintaining staging adequacy is a primary concern in patients  pelvic-aortic lymphadenectomy. The boundaries of the pelvic
          with uterine malignancy. Hence, research directed to improve  and para-aortic lymph node dissection include up to the
          surgical techniques to appropriately manage these patients is  duodenum on the right side and to the inferior mesenteric artery
          important. 7                                        on the left. 8
             Surgical staging of carcinoma endometrium was primarily  Historically, comprehensive surgical staging in endometrial
          by laparotomy. Childers and Surwit first proposed laparoscopy  cancer has been accomplished via open laparotomy.  The decade
          as an option for apparently early stage endometrial cancer (1993).  of the 1990s brought the use of minimally invasive surgery to
          Since April 2005, the role of robotic-assisted surgery in  replicate the traditional goals of comprehensive surgical staging
          gynecologic oncology was identified. Several studies are  of endometrial cancer. Dargent and Querleu et al in France and

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2011;4(3):149-155                       149
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