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                               Is Minimal Access Surgery of Esophageal Atresia with Distal Esophageal Atresia by Thoracoscopy is
           Table 2: Comparison with open thoracotomy with recent studies  related. The mortality by Tariq et al  was 3, Pakowaski
                 done by Burford and historical study as control  et al  was 3, Van der Zee et al  was 2 but none of them is
                              Burford serried 4  Historic control 5-8  found due to surgical related.
           No. of patient      72            340                 Holocomb et al  and Burford et al  mentioned scoliosis
           Anastomotic leak    2.7%           17.9%           and higher right shoulder deformity in OR group. None of
           Stricture           5.50%          16.7%
           Recurrent fistula   2.70%           7.9%           the literature mentioned such complication in TR group.
           Fundoplication     12.50%          21%
             Postoperative stricture formation is another squella of
          ES/TEF surgery. Holocomb et al  found a significant  Advancement in the minimal access surgery have been used
                                                              in adult for long time but later on it has been used
          difference with lower rate in TR vs OR group (7.6% vs                          22
          17.9% respectively) (Fig. 2).                       increasingly in pediatric surgery.  This evolution lead the
             Gastroesophageal reflux is common after EA with TEF  surgeon to address the most of the congenital anomalies by
          repair and needs to address. Nowadays all cases are treated  minimal access surgery and several report have revealed
          medically however, a number of patients need antireflux  the safety in pediatric patients.  Initially it was hypothesized
          surgery. 19,20  Holocomb et al  showed that 24% of  that neonate may not be able to tolerate the burden of CO 2
          thoracoscopy patient need fundoplication. The historical  but comparative studies done by Ma Li et al  showed same
          data showed fundoplication rate from 15 to 45%.  Burford  ET CO  in TR and OR groups without any significant
          et al  in his study of open thoracotomy mentioned 12.5%  difference (Fig. 3). Although pCO  increased intra-
          patient need fundoplication.                        operatively but reduced at the end of surgery. Similar studies
             There is no difference in the incidence of recurrent fistula  were done by Matsunari  with the finding that thoracoscopy
          in either group and incidence is between 0 and 5%.  group had a higher incidence of intraoperative hypercapnia
             Few literature mentioned death but it is difficult to  and acidosis and required higher inspired oxygen fraction
          ascertain that whether it is pure surgical related or medical  but on admission to ICU Pa(CO ) was in the normal range

          Fig. 2: Number of anastomotic leakage, postoperative anasto-  Fig. 3: Study done by Ma Li and Sazvay on intraoperative and
          motic stricture and recurrent fistula in different studies in current  postoperative pCO  and pH of thoracoscopic repair of EA with TEF
          study                                               showing that intraoperative and postoperative pH and pCO  had
                                                              no significantly differences
                Table 3: Comparison of pCO  and pH monitoring during open and thoracoscopic repair of EA with TEA. Clearly there is
                                            no significant difference between two groups
                                                               Ma Li                         Sazvay
                                                      *TR              **OR            *TR           **OR
              pCO (mm Hg) intraoperative             46 ± 8            43 ± 10          62            48
              pCO (mm Hg) at end of procedure        38 ± 5            37 ± 6           53            47
              pH intraoperative                    7.28 ± 0.06       7.30 ± 0.05        —              7.16
              pH postoperative                     7.32 ± 0.06       7.34 ± 0.07        —              7.20
           *TR: Thoracoscopic group; **OR: Thoracotomy group
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2013;6(1):37-41                              39
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