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           REVIEW ARTICLE           Comparing Laparoscopic and Laparotomy for the Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
          Comparing Laparoscopic and Laparotomy for the

          Surgical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy

          Shereen Pradeep Kumar

          ABSTRACT                                            laparoscopic approach has become the preferred surgical
                                                              method, and that a laparotomy should be reserved for
          Ectopic pregnancy is the most common life-threatening
          emergency in early pregnancy. This complication results in not  patients that are hemodynamically unstable. Laparotomy
          only fetal loss, but also causes significant maternal morbidity  may be preferable in the likely event of extensive pelvic
          and mortality. A literature search was carried out using various  adhesions where it is impossible to view the ectopic or in
          search engines and the selected articles were analyzed on the
          outcomes, such as success of the surgery, operating time,  cases of nontubal, intra-abdominal ectopic gestation, where
          intraoperative and postoperative complications, hospital stay,  other pelvic structures could be involved. 7
          future fertility, convalescence and cost effectiveness. After  As a result of the continual debate, this topic was chosen
          having analyzed the same it can be concluded that laparoscopic  to review the two methods and to analyze the preferred
          surgery is safe, effective and economical when compared to
          open laparotomy as the surgical treatment for ectopic pregnancy,  choice surgery.
          and that it should be considered as the gold standard method
          in managing ectopic pregnancies.                    OBJECTIVE
          Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy, Laparoscopy, Laparotomy.  To compare the surgical outcomes of laparoscopic and

          How to cite this article: Kumar SP. Comparing Laparoscopic  laparotomy for the management of ectopic pregnancy.
          and Laparotomy for the Surgical Management of Ectopic
          Pregnancy. World J Lap Surg 2013;6(1):29-32.        MATERIALS AND METHODS
          Source of support: Nil                              A literature search was performed using search engines such
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 as Google, HighWire press and PubMed. The selected
                                                              papers were analyzed on the basis of the outcomes of both
          INTRODUCTION                                        laparoscopy and laparotomy in the management of ectopic
          An ectopic pregnancy is a complication of pregnancy
          wherein the fertilized embryo gets implanted outside the  RESULTS
          uterine cavity.  A majority of ectopic pregnancies are found
          to be within the fallopian tube. The ampullary part of the  One of the earliest reported comparisons between
          fallopian tube has the highest incidence of ectopic  laparoscopy and laparotomy for the surgical management
          pregnancies (80%), followed by the isthmus (12%), fimbrial  of ectopic pregnancies was by Brumsted et al, at the
          (5%) and the cornual and interstitial part of the tube (2%). 2  University of Vermont. The study was a retrospective case
          An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency which is the  control that involved 101 cases of ectopic pregnancy,
          currently the leading cause of maternal mortality in the first  conducted between 1982 and 1987. The study compared
          trimester of pregnancy.  During the 19th century surviving  the difference in outcomes in patients managed by both
          an ectopic pregnancy was bleak, but toward the turn of the  methods. Twenty-five patients were treated by laparoscopy
          20th century, with advances in anesthesia, antibiotics, and  and 76 by laparotomy. There were no guidelines used while
          blood transfusions mortality has reduced significantly. 1  choosing a method of surgery but only the patients who
             There are several treatment modalities for treating  were hemodynamically unstable were treated by laparotomy.
          ectopic pregnancies, however if hemorrhage has already  The author concluded the study with the results that patients
          occurred, surgical intervention may be necessary. The  treated by laparoscopic surgery required less operating time,
          preferred method of surgical management is to perform a  decreased requirement for analgesics, shorter hospitalization
          salpingostomy or a salpingectomy. Dr John Bard, from New  and early convalescence (Table 1). 8
          York, reported the first successful open surgical intervention  Vermesh et al conceived a prospective study where the
          to treat an ectopic pregnancy in 1759. Bruhart et al reported  factors considered were morbidity, cost of the surgery,
          the first laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy in 1980. 6  postoperative hospital stay and outcome of fertility
             Innovations in the surgical field have now lead to the  following linear salpingostomy by laparoscopy  vs
          debate of which would be the preferred route for performing  laparotomy. The inclusion criteria included stable vital signs,
          the surgery–laparoscopy vs laparotomy. Seeber stated that  hematocrit more than 30%, age over 18 years, and those
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2013;6(1):29-32                              29
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