Page 20 - Laparoscopic Surgery Online Journal
P. 20

Manash Ranjan Sahoo et al

          OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE                                 circular stapler passed per anally (Figs 3 and 4). For LAR,
                                                              temporary diverting covering loop ileostomy is used
          Patient was placed in head down Lloyd-Davies
                                                              (Fig. 5).
          Trendelenburg position with surgeon and camera assistant
                                                                 In patients with APR, pelvic dissection done as far
          on patient’s right side. Five ports were routinely used with
                                                              distally as possible abdomen opened by extension of port
          subumbilical port used for 30º angled telescope. No
                                                              in left lower quadrant, descending colon transected
          deviation from basic principles of open oncologic colorectal
                                                              extracorporeally and end colostomy created. Conventional
          surgery was permitted and performed as follows:
                                                              perineal dissection and delivery of specimen through
          laparoscopic abdominal exploration, preliminary
                                                              perineal wound. Perineal drains routinely used. Throughout
          identification, ligation and transection of IMA (Fig. 1) and
                                                              the surgery meticulous hemostasis was maintained to prevent
          IMV with clips, mobilization of left hemicolon and splenic
                                                              light absorption by hemoglobin which reduces picture
          flexure, identification of ureters and hypogastric nerves
          bilaterally, rectal mobilization (for higher lesion mesorectal
          tissue down to 5 cm below tumor routinely excised and TME  RESULTS
          in tumors of middle and distal third) and intracorporeal  The patients characteristics in laparoscopic or open resection
          transection of rectum below growth with an endoluminal  group are summarized in Table 1. The two groups were
          stapler (Fig. 2) in case of restorative resection. Abdomen  comparable in terms of age, sex, American Society of
          opened by Pfannenstiel incision (maximum 5 cm length)  Anesthesia score (ASA score), pathologic stage and type
          and resection of tumor bearing bowel completed extra-  of resection.
          corporeally. Anvil of circular stapler inserted into proximal  The mean operating time was significantly longer in LAP
          bowel, gut put back in peritoneal cavity, pneumoperitoneum  resection group than in open resection group. The amount
          re-established and intracorporeal anastomosis done with  of operative blood loss was lower in LAP resection group

                   Fig. 1: Ligation of inferior mesenteric artery   Fig. 3: Introduction of circular stapler per anally

            Fig. 2: Resection of rectum keeping tumor-free margin using  Fig. 4: Completed coloanal anastomosis
                            Endo Gia stapler
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