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                             Laparoscopic Orchidopexy without Division of Spermatic Vessels using a Neoinguinal Canal Approach

          cell deficiency in cryptorchidism was previously regarded  testes so intimately related to Fowler-Stephens technique.
          as congenital.  It has been observed that the histology of  And specially with the use of laparoscopy where extensive
          the testis is initially normal and becomes progressively  retroperitoneal dissection can be carried out under
          abnormal with age.                                  magnification and using the neo-inguinal ring we can easily
             More detailed studies showed impaired Leydig cells  mobilize all the testes to the scrotum without the need of
          development in undescended testes in the first 2 to 6 months,  division of spermatic vessels. Although the number
          whereas the Sertoli and germ cells appeared normal.  By  of patients in our series is relatively small, our excellent
          the end of the second year of life, nearly 40% of undescended  success rate makes this procedure good alternative to the
          testes had completely lost their germ cells. They concluded  routine Fowler-Stephens procedure in patients with an
          that germ cell deficiency in undescended testis is  abdominal testis.
          secondary.  In previous generations, it was believed that
          the undescended testis suffered no adverse changes until  REFERENCES
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