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A Comparative Randomized Parallel Group Study between the Classical TAPP Repair and Modified TAPP
while most advocates anchoring the mesh to prevent migra- technique, it gave superior result regarding operating
tion, many others suggest it unnecessary; 20,21 moreover, time and incidences of chronic pain. Cost of surgery was
injudicious application of tack or staple below iliopubic signifi cantly less while giving compatible result regarding
tract carries an inherent risk of nerve damage. very high analgesic requirement, time for return to work and hospital
proportional incidence of chronic pain in patients on whom stay. For ethical reason, direct evidence of effectiveness
helical tack was used for mesh fixation and peritoneal closure of this technique in providing peritoneal cover for the
in this study needs due attention as a potential cause of such pros thesis was not collected during the trial, it provided
pain of somatic and neural origin. Intraoperative complica- enough indirect and limited direct evidence in support of the
tions though rare, are serious in nature, mostly in the form alternate hypothesis of peritoneal cover, as proposed in the
of visceral injury. 18,23,24 Trials have shown reduction of study which did not assess and compared intra-abdominal
complications and operating time with increased experience. adhesions in real time but it closely monitored the expected
Postoperative gastrointestinal complications are port-site clinically significant effects of adhesion and found the end
hernia, internal herniation from improper peritoneal closure result extremely satisfactory and answered the research
and adhesion leading to intestinal obstruction and occasional question comprehensively by providing a more physiological
fistulisation when bowel is involved. 4, 25-27 Bowel obstruc- alternative way of proving a peritoneal cover for prosthesis
tion by herniation through trocar site or imperfect closure and provokes the need for further studies to see if the study
of peritoneum occur earlier (8 days) than obstruction from outcome can be reproduced.
adhesion which commonly happens after a month (mean
onset 25 days), just as majority of hernia recurrences follow- RefeRenCeS
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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2014;7(1):16-22 21