Page 22 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 22

Sumanta  Kumar Ghosh

                                Table 4: Comparison of cost effectiveness on variable determinants of cost
           Variable determinants of cost         TAPP with tack       TAPP with suture     Modified TAPP
           Type of anesthesia and related consumables                                    
           Perioperative medications                                                     
           Hospital stay                                                                 
           Readmission                           Nil                  Nil                  Nil
           Re-exploration                        Nil                  Nil                  Nil
           Loss of work day                      ±17 days             ±17 days             ±17 days
           Cost of investigation in follow-up                                            
           Cost of disposable surgical equipment                     –                    –
           Operating time                                                               
           Cost for treatment of complication                        –                    –
            1. Seroma                                                                    
            2. Chronic pain                                                             
            3. Vaginal hydrocele                                                         
            4. Recurrence of hernia                                                      
            5. Bowel-related complication                                                

          dISCuSSIon                                             The study hypothesis proposed an alternative way of
                                                              peritoneal reapproximation utilising the intra-abdominal
          Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair has evolved over the
          years as an alternative to the best method of open repair.   biomechanics relevant to the area of repair that uses the
          However, it is still not the gold standard. Stiff learning curve   pressure exerted on the flap by the viscera to keep it securely
          and increased cost being the major constrains. Average extra   opposed to the anterior abdominal wall while healing takes
          cost LIHR incurs over open repair has roughly been esti-  place and thus provides equivalent peritoneal cover for the
          mated to be 300 to 350 UK pounds. Disposable equipment   mesh. Absence of any adhesion with excellent peritoneal
          and longer operating time is the key cost driver. Efforts   cover achieved (when modified TAPP was done earlier),
          to curtail cost without compromising safety and efficacy   as seen on two relook opportunities obtained during subse-
          have led to many modifications of TAPP procedure. To be   quent LC may not be entirely representative, but the finding
          considered, a viable alternative to most successful method   strengthens the principle of hypothesis proposed. In order to
          of conventional surgery the recurrence rate should be <2%. 9  satisfy the criteria set, one has to dissect the preperitoneal
             Central to successful TAPP repair is the need for wide   space widely with adequate parietalization, to the point of
          dissection of preperitoneal space and placement of a large   crossing of vas over medial umbilical ligament. Essentially
          and anchored mesh to adequately cover all the myopectineal   it provides adequate space to accommodate a larger mesh
          orifices. 9-11  Case reports and animal trials 12-14  have suggested   comfortably with its inferior margin wedged firmly at
          increased visceral adhesion to exposed prolene mesh in   peritoneal reflection without any tendency to be pushed up
          intraperitoneal on lay placement, which forms the basis of   by the peritoneum during release of pneumoperitoneum,
          preperitoneal or extraperitoneal placement of prolene mesh   eliminating an important cause of immediate recurrence.
          in TAAP and TEP respectively. However, there are reports   This supplements medial anchorage to prosthesis provided
          of animal study that suggests—prolene mesh placed preperi-  by two-point fixation to Cooper’s ligament, lateral anchorage
          toneally by intraperitoneal route, the adhesion increases on   being provided by the weight of viscera without any need
          suture closure of peritoneal incision in comparison to leaving  for mechanical means.
          it open.  Apart from preventing internal herniation through   Evolution of TAPP repair has been striking from late
          imperfect closure of peritoneal incision, it also provides a  nineties to present day. Early reports show significant per-

          reassuring peritoneal cover for the mesh when the peritoneal  operative events, higher recurrences and longer operating
          incision is meticulously closed in classical TAPP repair.  time. Improved parameters in recent trials confirm the safety

          Apprehension has been raised  and incidences cited  about  and efficacy of TAPP repair has improved with collective
          bowel complications occurring postoperatively if strict  and individual experience over time. 11,18,19  Several trials
          adherence to the practice of peritoneal closure is breached.  have identified the factors that lead to recurrence following
          To minimize prosthesis induced intraperitoneal adhesions  TAPP-like surgeon’s inexperience, inadequate dissection,
          relatively nonreactive PTFE mesh has been introduced   and insufficient size of prosthesis, improper fixation, twis-
          which come with a price tag sufficient to compromise cost  ting or folding of mesh and lifting of mesh by hematoma.
          effectiveness further.                              Contrasting views exist regarding anchorage of the mesh,
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