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Role of Indocyanine Green in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Fig. 2: Fluorescent mapping showing common bile duct and cystic duct
structures in almost every patient. This makes them experienced
Fig. 1: Showing a preparation of indocyanine green with the procedure that makes it easier for them to perform future
It does not require X-ray, thus no one is exposed to radiation.
The ICG that is used is usually safe and does not cause any adverse
reaction in patients. It is also cost-effective.
Real-time near-infrared fluorescence cholangiography offers better
technology that can help with the identification of the vital biliary
It helps to reduce the risk of bile duct injury by providing clear
vision of the vital extrahepatic structure. The reduced risk helps to
avoid complications that can arise from the injury of the bile duct,
which sometimes can be fatal to a patient.
Fig 3: Fluorescent mapping showing cystic, right and left hepatic duct
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the liver, biliary excretion, and parenchymal cellular function. It flow evaluation. J Surgoncol 2012;106(1):107–110. DOI: 10.1002/jso.
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given if there is anything regarding perfusion that cannot be clearly 5. Ohdaira H, Nimura H, Mitsumori N, et al. Validity of modified
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extrahepatic biliary anatomy better, thus reducing the incidence early gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer 2007;10(2):117–122. DOI: 10.1007/
of bile duct injury, it also plays a role in identifying the anatomic s10120-007-0419-6.
structure in a quick manner, thereby reducing the time used in 6. Gotoh K, Yamada T, Ishikawa O, et al. A novel image guided surgery
performing the procedure of cholangiography and hence also of hepatocellular carcinoma by indocyanine green fluorescence
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There is also no need to bring onboard additional equipment 7. Mitsuhashi N, Kimura F, Shimizu H, et al. Usefulness of intraoperative
and manpower, especially the radiological personnel for an X-ray. fluorescence imaging to evaluate local anatomy in hepatobiliary
The technique of ICG also plays a role as a teaching tool for surgery. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2008;15(5):508–514. DOI:
practitioners who are able to identify the relevant extrahepatic 10.1007/s00534-007-1307-5.
2 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 1 (January–April 2020)