Page 6 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 6

Reva Sergey et al
          results include lower intraoperative blood loss, earlier  and 2 according to Clavien system.  The results of
          return to bowel function, less pain, and quicker  our study suggest benefits of the minimally invasive
          postoperative convalescence.  However, complication  approach.
          reports may be limited by reporting and selection bias for   Several studies showed survival impairment after
          healthier patients. Moreover, the difficulty in obtaining  intraoperative blood transfusion. Thus, the transfusion
          data on complications results from a lack of consistency  rate could be potentially important for patients due to its
          in reporting complications. 19                      hypothetically immunosuppressive effect.  According
             One of the limiting factors of laparoscopic cystectomy  to the literature, blood loss in open, laparoscopic, and
          is its labor intensity and duration. Indeed, recent data  robotic RC is about 700 to 1500, 250 to 790, and 22 to
          show an increased treatment time compared to open  460 respectively.  The same authors showed lower
          surgery.  In our study, the duration of LRC was 1.6 times  blood transfusion rate for minimally invasive RC [5 to
          greater than ORC. However, when analyzing the entire  20% and 1 to 4% in LRC and robot-assisted RC (RARC)
          series of laparoscopic surgery, a significant decrease  respectively] compared to the open procedure (14 to
          was found in this indicator up to 1.3 times in the last  40%).  Our study showed higher (compared to the
          10 transactions compared to the first 10, which means  literature data) blood loss during ORC, probably due to
          that we gain experience. In other words, we find that  a lower number of patients. However, in the literature
          LRC takes longer to do than open procedure but results  we found similar results with blood loss reduction due
          in better functional outcomes with reduced blood loss,  to reducing invasiveness of intervention. 25
          transfusion  rate, shorter length of stay in hospital,   Another significant problem related to radical bladder
          and fewer complication rates. According to the recent  surgery consists in gastrointestinal complications.
          literature, nearly 40% of this patient cohort experienced  Intraoperative rectal wall damage occurred at a relatively
          at least one readmission within 90 days following RC. No  low rate – about 0.2% (up to 4% according to some data).
          differences in age, gender, race, or stage were observed  The same rate (0.2 to 2%) was noted for large blood vessels
          between patients who did vs did not undergo the ER.  damaging both in LRC and ORC.  Such intraoperative
          Gastrointestinal, wound, and deep vein thrombosis  adverse events (Table 2) were associated with locally
          complications were most commonly documented with  advanced tumors and did not depend on the type of
          readmission within 30 days. Genitourinary, neurologic,  surgery (ORC or LRC).
          and cardiac complications were more common in those    With the minimally invasive approach, patients with
          with later readmissions. Stimson et al  showed that  ileal conduit urinary diversion had a decreased risk of
          the readmission rates were as high as 27%, with bowel,  complications compared to continent urinary diversions.
          urinary, and infectious complications being the most  Totally, the 90-day perioperative mortality rate was 5.3%.
          common reasons. The transfusion rate in one series  According to our data, the most clinically significant event
          was appr. 66%, with an average estimated blood loss  (in terms of hospital and ICU readmission rates, repeated
          of 1 l for 1,142 consecutive ORCs.  Our experience  surgery) was gastrointestinal complications, particularly,
          shows that in accordance with the mentioned studies,  ileus. This event has the greatest differences among the
          when comparing LRC and ORC, the results favor the  patients after LRC (14.2%) and ORC (47.6%). Recent stud-
          use of the laparoscopic approach. Other important  ies showed that postoperative ileus happened in 23, 3,
          characteristics are the number of days in ICU and  and 8% of patients after open, laparoscopic, and robotic
          duration of hospitalization. There was no significant  cystectomy respectively. 15,27  However, many studies used
          difference between these items (p = 0.53).          different definition of this event. Ramirez et al in the
             According to the Clivlend’s clinic data, which has  recent review found 21 articles with a clear definition of
          the greatest experience in minimally invasive RC with  postoperative ileus. The most frequent one was absence
          intracorporeal urinary diversion, this technique of  of flatulence, stool on the 5th or 6th postoperative day;
          intestinal substitution is significantly better than the  postoperative nausea and vomiting which required to
          extracorporeal one in terms of better intestinal function  stop enteral feeding and to start intravenous feeding
          recovery. Other complication rates were comparable  and/or nasogastrointestinal intubation on the 5th or 6th
          between both groups.  Totally, despite significant  postoperative day; absence of intestinal movement on the
          improvements  in  armamentarium  and  surgical  5th postoperative day; intestinal movement impairment
          technique, the complication rate after minimally  which lead to prolonged hospitalization.  Recovery of the
          invasive RC remains high. In the largest series, the  bowel function and/or removal of the gastric tube and/
          30-day complication rate is about 60 to 65%, and in 90  or inability of oral food intake after 5 postoperative days
          days complications occurred in nearly 80%.  Among  were the criteria for establishment of dynamic intestinal
          all patients with 90-day complications, 80% had grade 1   obstruction (ileus) in our study. According to these, we
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